Little Wiggle

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She scrambled to sit properly, but she couldn't hide the look of anger from me, it radiated off of her but she was trying to be a good girl and not get herself into any further trouble. "She wanted it to be my choice!" She hardly muttered out, looking away from me as she spoke.

"Hmm, I am surprised that you didn't go have that snipped the moment you felt a mans touch." I teased plainly and her body stiffened, her eyes still focused elsewhere.

"Yeah well, my first experience wasn't too promising the other night." She huffed and her body sank into the cushion of the couch, disappointed and frustrated.

"Oh you poor thing, that was nothing but a nice visual for me, it wasn't you're your thankful that I let you enjoy it!" I said in an sarcastic, almost sympathetic tone, grinning down at her as her eyes snapped to mine and she stood up with vigor.

"Whatever, fuck you; I'm leaving!" She said and turned to stomp off but I caught her by the wrist, jerking her towards me but keeping her away from my body, my self control very fragile.

"I don't think so, we have something to do, as much as I'd like to fuck you, we simply just do not have time for that right now!" I kept a tight hold on her wrist as she attempted to jerk herself free of my grasp before giving in and standing still.

"Don't flatter yourself, let me go!" She nearly laughed, that would've been the last straw.

I sighed, bored with her attempt at insulting me, "I could have you begging me to fuck you by midnight, I wouldn't have to flatter myself." I winked and it was her turn to roll her eyes but she didn't mutter a word.

"Come on now, much to do and Donny to kill!" I chimed rather enthusiastically, I have been waiting for the day that Donny crossed me so I could kill his useless ass.

She pulled against me as I lead her through the living room to the hall that lead to my bedroom and the garage, as much as I was inclined to take her into my bedroom and ruin her, I wouldn't have to force her before long, she'd willingly follow me to her ruining.

"I don't want to be a part of this!!" She screeched, and my god was it loud, in fact I just couldn't control myself as I turned around and grasped her throat, collapsing her trachea so she couldn't breathe.

Her face turned red with the lack of oxygen and I pulled her by her throat close to my face, her only free hand grasping and clawing at mine in a fight to breath. "Don't ever make that disgusting noise again, yeah??" I grunted out, wincing with each bloody scratch she gave my arm and hand, she nodded rapidly; despite her depletion of oxygen.

She gasped, coughing and choking when I pulled my hand from her throat, sucking in as much air as her lungs could take. "Good, then that's settled" I smiled, tugging her along with me down the hall as she followed me with little resistance until we were in the garage.

I slung the passenger door open and looked from the seat to her, eyebrow raising with unspoken demands. She sighed and climbed in without a fight.

'Maybe she isn't so dumb after all...' I thought as I slammed the door and got in the drivers seat. I glanced over to see her buckled up, with her knees pulled to her chest, her little summer dress barely able to cover the length of her curled legs and I'm certain if I leaned forward and had a look, I could see her panties.

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