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  I know it's been long. I'm so sorry. I really hope that these 2800 words help you not feel so resentful for my lack of updates!

Now, onto a little edu-macation:
  "Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions. In fact, this Greek term used in Freudian psychodynamic theories loosely translates to "no words for emotion." While the condition is not well-known, it's estimated that 1 in 10 people has it."


Just when I thought the questions were done with and I could enjoy some silence, I could see her turning back to face me from my peripheral vision, I stiffen my posture irritably. "God damnit, what; what more do you have to say?" I snap, gritting my teeth together.

She jolts, wide eyes dewy. I groan, she is so emotional, I can't say anything without making her cry. She sniffled, like clockwork. "What about all of my stuff back at my dorm?" Her voice is barely above a whisper, the kind of whisper she should have been using when insulting me behind my back.

I used one hand to rub my face aggressively. "I'll send for your shit, you'll have to let the school know that you are withdrawing so that movers can get in there." I despised the fact that I would be footing the bill to move her crap across states, the whole fuckery of my life made my head pound with frustration.

"I'll let them know...thanks." She again whispered but didn't pry her eyes from me like she usually did when sensing my escalating anger. "Teseo...I want to make you happy!" She decided with a chirp, my eyes snapped to hers, making her eyes dart around trying to avoid meeting mine.

I bit back my desire to laugh, sparing her my glare and returned my eyes to the road. "The only time you make me happy is when my dick is lodged inside of you." I'd pat her on the head but by the look on her face, she would start sobbing and that may cause me to kick her out or throw her in the trunk.

"It hurts..." her lip quivers and I force myself to look ahead again, I wouldn't say anything else and hopefully she would shut up and go to sleep. It didn't work "Please get me a doctor when we get back, please!" She clasps her hands together and begs with a weak whine.

"I told you that I'd think about it, so stop asking or my answer will surely be no." Seething I twist my hands on the steering wheel, this is becoming the single most miserable drive of my life.

"O.K" is all she piped out before she curled up in the seat and became silent at last, I was ready to thank and praise any divine force that granted me silence but I settled for sighing, letting myself relax into my seat and focus on getting home.

She hasn't made a peep until the sun began to set, she became restless in her seat, her bottle of water was empty and I knew she was wanting to ask me to use the bathroom. "Teseo..." I growled at her voice, beginning to despise my own fucking name.

"We're going to stop for the night and you can go then." I flickered my eyes towards her to find her nodding and dragging her knees to her chest, her hands curled around her abdomen, she then rested her forehead against her knees.

I managed to make it another hour before she begun looking distraught and desperate, breathing noisily and squirming around. I found a hotel to the lowest of my standard off the next exit and left her in the car without word while I went to purchase a room. Snagging one with two beds, thank fucking god.

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