Gatsby Girl

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"The best thing a girl can be in this world is a beautiful little fool

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"The best thing a girl can be in this world is a beautiful little fool." ~Daisy Buchanan 

Jolene Alistair 
Sad Eyes 

Face Claim:
Cailee Spaeny

Name:Jolene Alistair Nickname:  JolieJSad Eyes Age: 18Gender:FemaleSexuality:Heterosexual Face Claim:Cailee Spaeny

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Her parents wouldn't allow her to ever mark her body with ink. In their eyes, it isn't beautiful and is trashy, so tattoos are beneath their family image. 

Eye Color: 
Hair Color:
Not many besides the occasional marks of childhood. Her parents sheltered her from a lot of things that could result in injury. She's viewed more as a trophy rather than a person, so her parents wouldn't dream of anything damaging her beauty. 
She wears a lot of girlie and fashionable things. Most of her wardrobe is picked out by her mother, so she doesn't really have a 'real' style. Most of her life is controlled by her parents for the sake of maintaining her family's image. She can't dress too prudishly or too provocatively. Her clothes are mostly business casual, and all of it is pretty much designer because her parents are extremely rich. 
In all honesty, Jolie is a bit of a snob. While part of that has a lot to do with her upbringing, she is old enough to have a mind and personality of her own. However, she doesn't make any strides to change. She's extremely judgmental, apathetic, and materialistic. She loves her things, the grandeur of her lifestyle, the parties, the fashion, the applause. She lives for the validation from those that love her, even if it's only because of her parents. She was taught that she was someone special, hence the pressure to be perfect all the time. The perfect grades, the perfect body, hair, skin. The perfect boyfriend. She has to maintain those standards because she was selected to fulfill that purpose. It's no wonder that she has a sort of stuck-up, better than thou, air to her. Deep down, she isn't a heartless person. She's just lost. She never had the freedom to explore her own self and to figure out who she wants to be in the world. And because she never got to really experience life and live it as her own, her personality and emotional intelligence is extremely underdeveloped. Her entire life has always been dictated by someone else, and because she never experienced anything different, Jolie doesn't know that she should want more than what she's given.
Despite this, Jolie is extremely disciplined and levelheaded. Years of media training turned her into a robot. She only shows people what she wants them to see, which makes her a bit of a manipulative person. She knows how to get what she wants. Usually, all she has to do is train those baby blue eyes of hers on someone, bat her lashes a bit, and feed them some sob-story bs before they're wrapped around her finger. Sure, she feels guilty about it sometimes, but at the end of the day, she'd rather feel admired and loved, even if who they're admiring doesn't necessarily exist. 

Her parents are A-List celebrities, extremely successful and widely known. Consequently, her childhood was extremely unconventional. She has dabbled in modeling and a few acting gigs throughout her childhood, since she was pegged America's Next Big Star. Unfortunately, that rug was tugged right out from under her feet before she could even tough the red carpet when her sister was born. Little Lottie, perfect, young, beautiful. It wasn't long before the tabloids forgot all about Jolie, now focused on the precocious and charismatic star. 
Her childhood wasn't exactly terrible and filled with trauma. Jolie just never found her niche, and part of her blames Charlotte for it. If Charlotte never had been born, she'd never have lost her spotlight. Granted, it doesn't help that her parents constantly remind her of how she had failed the family. 
Jolie isn't necessarily rebellious. She left that to her elder brother, Mattie. However, she isn't the angle she pretends to be either. Jolie sort of changes under the influence of alcohol. Under the guise of a vacation in Cabo, Jolie was sent to rehab during the summer going into her junior year. Of course, treatment never stopped her from overindulging. Now, she's just moved on to other vices. Fortunately, Jolie is smart enough now to hide it. She indulges in places where she knows the media won't catch drift of her. 
Allegra Alistair--Mother (48) Actress
Jolie and her mom speak to each other on a regular basis. The relationship is slightly hostile, only because her mother projects a lot onto her. However, Jolie is probably the closest to her mom. 
Dallin Alistair--Father (50) Actor
Her father pretty much doesn't talk to her. He doesn't really know her, but he pretends that she's his favorite. 
Mathew Alistair--Brother (21) 
They used to be close, but Jolie resents him now. She thinks he's a waste of potential, but that's mostly because that's what her mother tells her. 
Charlotte Alistair--Sister  (14) 
She hates her only because she represents everything that Jolie isn't. She's also mom's favorite, which kills her. 


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