Lydia Riley

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Name: Lydia Riley Nickname: Lyds, Lydie Age: 19 Gender:Female  Preferred Pronouns:She/Her  Sexuality:Bicurious  Zodiac: AriesPersonality: As an intense person, Lydia feels everything immensely and lives life from one extreme to the other

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Lydia Riley 
Lyds, Lydie 
Preferred Pronouns:
As an intense person, Lydia feels everything immensely and lives life from one extreme to the other. She isn't a very balanced person, but she makes up for this with her determination and dedication to her ambitions. When she sets her mind to something, she'll do whatever it takes until it's completed. She isn't the sort to get distracted from her long-term goals easily, but since she is ruled by her emotions, she has the tendency to be very impulsive in the short-term. Lydia is a bit of a hothead, and with her stubborn nature, she can get pretty aggressive and rude in arguments. She doesn't like being wrong at all and often will have trouble coming to terms with the fact that it's in fact possible for her to make mistakes. Often, when she realizes she is at fault, she struggles even more with the whole admitting and taking accountability part. Extremely independent, Lydia is of the mindset that she doesn't need anybody, and she is quite content remaining self-sufficient for the rest of her life. She doesn't like clingy people, and, most importantly, people who expect more than she's willing to give. Right now, her main focus is her career, and so relationships aren't really in her trajectory because she doesn't want to deal with the distraction or having to take care of another individual. Slightly selfish, Lydia always believes her needs and aspirations come first. 
As a passionate person, Lydia is a lover of life. She feels it within every fiber of her body. She is fun, spontaneous, and loves a challenge. She is the last to back down from a dare of any kind and loves to try new things. While she does have the tendency to judge things prematurely, she is open to some change. She's a very loyal friend and would do anything to maintain those relationships. She isn't the most attentive, but if someone needs her ASAP, she'll be there. She values her integrity above all else. 

Lydia has average height for a female, being 5'5. She has a more curvaceous figure with teal eyes and blonde wavy hair. Her skin tans fairly easily over the summer, but it doesn't last long. Lydia has a birthmark on her hip, nothing too special or a particular design. It looks like an ink splotch or a coffee stain. It used to bother her when she was younger, but she doesn't mind it now since she's no longer in high school and dealing with the superficial needs of teenage adolescents.  

Fun Facts: -Her love language (to give) is acts of service

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Fun Facts: 
-Her love language (to give) is acts of service. She loves being in control of things, so taking a project off of someone else's shoulders and just doing it for them is something she loves to do. Since she's independent, she likes being able to do things for other people so that she's in control of the entire process and because she feels good after doing something for someone else. 
-Her love language (to receive) is words of affirmation. She's trying to not be so reliant on other people's opinions of her, but she can't help but want to absorb all of the compliments. She loves knowing that others are proud of her or knowing that she won at something. 
-She is extremely competitive, like zero chill whatsoever. This comes out at the most inconvenient of times, especially when playing a board game. She gets intense even if she's playing Guess Who. A lot of people refuse to play with her because she's kind of a fun sponge when she gets competitive. 
-She hasn't had a lot of partners. She's only been in one long-term relationship that lasted all throughout high school. Her parents forced her to break up with him when she went off to college since they didn't want her to be distracted from her studies and basically change her whole future to accommodate for him. Now, she's pretty focused on just herself. She is realizing everything she missed out on while she was in a 4 year relationship, and right now, she doesn't want to be tied down. She wants to fly. 
-She only likes children from a distance. She's scared of them, actually and is deeply afraid that she'll hurt them somehow. She isn't even sure if she wants to be a mom because she thinks she'd make a bad one. She is very much the embodiment of tough love, since she didn't get enough nurturing growing up she doesn't know how to be tender. 
-She can't really dance and refuses most of the time. She can find the beat and vibe, but she isn't coordinated musically. 
-She has peculiar eating habits. When she eats, she already plans out her eating order ahead of time and has a specific way of eating most things. If she's having shrimp scampi, for instance, she'll just eat all the shrimp first and then eat the pasta last. 
She values her freedom and independence a lot, and right now, she's just trying to explore and experience as much of it as possible. She likes the feeling of being desired, the power that it gives her when she has someone completely lusting after her. She likes to make lists, accomplish tasks, and try new things. She is an adventure seeker, and she's a bit of a wild child. She likes to get to know new people and is always trying to throw herself into new things. She's a bit of a restless person. 
Being by herself for endless periods of time, having to admit that she's wrong, and being around people who are too scared to live. She likes to help people experience life, but for those stubborn individuals who refuse to try anything outside of their comfort zones, she can't help but start to lose interest and resent. She believes that life is only learned through experiences and that books can't educate you on what truly matters. She dislikes people that drone on about the same thing, and she doesn't like repetitive things. She also hates strawberries. To her, it tastes like a watery sneeze and she doesn't understand the hype. She also hates people who like fruity desserts. Dessert isn't supposed to be healthy, it's supposed to be chocolate. 
Theme Song: 
Maybe Someday by the Cinematics 

 Theme Song: Maybe Someday by the Cinematics 

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