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Name: Elyria Fawn of Pyrinthia
Nickname: Lyra Lyria Princess
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Fae
Powers: Her magic is tethered to the natural world Specifically, she is an earth Fae, and her powers pretty much pertain to things that grow on earth. However, she has limits to what she can do since she's still learning. If she uses her magic for too long, it drains her and she can't caste a spell for a few days. Same thing occurs if she attempts to do something that requires too much of her strength and power all at once. Beauty Enhancement Fae are naturally seen as charming and beautiful creatures. Their looks are often extremely deceiving. There's an old saying among them that the more beautiful the Fae's smile, the more nasty the bite. Agility and Balance Fae are very graceful creatures, and therefore, are capable of sneaking up on others without knowing. However, for species like wolves who have keen senses of smell, they know when they are in the presence of a Fae from about a mile away. Just like their outward beauty, Fae have a very strong, attractive sent that is used to lure people in. The stronger and more addicting the sent, the more dangerous the Fae.
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Personality: Elyria doesn't like to be told what to do. In fact, she's so defiant and self-centered, she's willing to risk the safety of not only herself but others if it means proving someone wrong. Stubborn, arrogant, and irritable, Elyria prefers to bend the rules than to follow them and is too quick to anger for her own good. Thankfully, for her kingdom's benefit, both of her parents are still living and she doesn't have to worry about taking the thrown too soon. Presently, she'd make a terrible leader because she has the maturity of an adolescent and the wisdom of a cricket. She values her freedom and is extremely impulsive. Quite simply, she does what she wants when she wants how she wants. She also is extremely mischievous and likes to give people a hard time. You definitely need a bit of a sense of humor to keep up with her banter. It also doesn't help that she's extremely flirtatious and an all around tease. All of this is really an act to overcompensate for how lonely, bored, and terrified she is. Growing up, she didn't exactly have many friends, in part because of her chaotic personality and also because her parents kept her sheltered since she was their first born and heir to the thrown. Elves don't have many children, and multiple births is risky for the mother. So, Elyria grew up primarily as an only child until she was three and her younger sister, Persephone, was born. Naturally, Elyria is also a jealous person, hence why she tries to hide this by acting extremely unbothered. In all honesty, she is a highly annoying individual. Her silver lining is that she does have a good heart. She does care about people, truly, and she wants to do what's best for everyone. At the moment, she thinks the best way to do that is by making her the absolute worst choice for a monarch.
Likes: -Making fun of people -Getting into mischief -Flirting -Parties/Balls -Learning how to use her magic -Annoying the guards -Taking care of herself -Adventures -Traveling -Trying new things
Dislikes: -Werewolves (they're dirty, disgusting, and uncivilized beings) -Being compared to her younger sister, who is practically perfect in every way -Being reminded of her faults -Being told what to do -That she's a disgrace and her parents are disappointed in her -The fact that one day she'll have to be married -That she's a royal in the first place (she'd much rather not have any responsibilities)
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Backstory: Growing up, Elyria's life wasn't as perfect as it might've looked to your typical outsider. Sure, she had wealth and never needed to worry about basic survival, but she never really experienced a childhood either. From a young age, she's been raised to take the thrown. In her eyes, she views it as a death sentence. She underwent extensive physical, mental, and emotional training, and she's reached a point where she still isn't ready. In fact, the royal advisor is trying to usher her parents into looking at other options (Persephone) in case one of them dies unexpectedly. Of course, they've thought about it, but they've ultimately decided to still count on Elyria, since it is technically her birthright. Besides, her powers are unquestionably stronger than Persephone's.
Face Claim: I forget her name lol but this chick
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