Theresa Spencer

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Name: Theresa Spencer  Nicknames:SpencerGender:Female Age: Eighteen Sexuality:Heterosexual Height:5'5Written Appearance: Theresa has russet colored hair that cascades to her bust in soft waves

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Theresa Spencer
Written Appearance:
Theresa has russet colored hair that cascades to her bust in soft waves. Her striking blue-green eyes appear like sea glass, and they often are overflowing with so much emotion it can be crippling to the recipient. With a stubborn jaw, Theresa has a more chiseled appearance but her features are soft enough to give off this angelic face shape. However, she is anything but innocent and soft. With fair milky skin, Theresa only has light freckles on the bridge of her nose—the rest of her is practically spot free. Theresa also has stubby eyelashes, and she has plump rosebud lips.
Theresa doesn't have any tattoos, but she does have her ears pierced. She has the standard lobe piercing and her one helix is pierced. She has several scars on her body, especially from using her abilities (since she has zero control over them).

Personality:Fiercely independent and stubborn, Theresa marches to the beat of her own drum

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Fiercely independent and stubborn, Theresa marches to the beat of her own drum. If someone tells her she can't do something, she'll do whatever it takes to prove them wrong; moreover, she's also the sort of person that would rather die than admit that she was in the wrong or at fault because she thinks people will see her as weak. On that same note, typically she doesn't share too much about herself, afraid that people will use said information against her later on. Now, this doesn't mean she is a robot in front of other people. Theresa wishes she could stop being so bloody emotional, but it's something she can't help. She wears her emotions practically on her sleeve, especially when one looks into her eyes. Theresa is also very vocal about her opinions; if she doesn't like you, you'll know. However, it is rare for her to open up and to let people in; she isn't the sort to tell people she cares about them, preferring to pretend that she hates them. Naturally rebellious, Theresa isn't afraid to oppose authority, even if they have her best interests in mind; as said previously, she is fiercely independent, which often causes her to push people away. Much like her abilities, she's a bit of a loose cannon at times, often acting without thinking. Her emotions definitely dictate and cloud her decision making.
Pissing people off, being by herself, WINNING, and doing risky activities. Theresa has a thirst for adventure and life, and she will often do things that probably aren't healthy for her. She often forgets that she's in fact mortal and can die. Theresa also loves being outside and around nature, having a particular fondness for animals and creatures. Her abilities often allow her to bond with them quickly, because she can read their thoughts. Theresa is also a bit of a control freak; she loves being in charge, and hates having to follow orders from other people.
If you really want to make her angry, tell her what to do. She hates losing and being ordered around. Theresa also hates feeling helpless, and she doesn't like people getting close to her. This is only because she never wants to hurt anybody, especially if it's accidentally due to her powers. She can be extremely lazy at times, so she hates it when she can't figure something out. She gets frustrated and angry very easily.
She has a flippant tongue and a lot of confidence. Theresa isn't afraid to look death right in its eyes and smile; honestly, it's kind of her approach to a lot of things. Theresa is very good at insulting people and challenging them, unafraid of calling people out on their bullshit. However, her tongue often gets her into a lot of trouble since she's so loose lipped. When she can control her powers, her capabilities are impressive; the key word, however, is when. She doesn't have enough patience and experience to really focus and perfect her talents. Theresa is also a good liar and quick thinker, especially when she's on her feet. She is anything but indecisive.

Powers:Telepathy—Ability that allows one to read minds (mind control is apart of this; ei

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Telepathy—Ability that allows one to read minds (mind control is apart of this; ei. Someone can whisper thoughts into another's head which can convince them to do things)
Telekinesis—Ability that allows one to move objects with their mind
The telekinesis is iffy. If she manages to stay levelheaded, she can control it to a degree, but it takes a lot of concentration on her part. Her abilities often stem from emotion, and when that happens, things get dangerous. It's honestly how she hurts herself constantly, because she has zero control. Essentially, her powers are like a loose cannon; they never work when she needs them to, and they cause massive havoc when she doesn't need them to go off. Usually, if she strains herself too much, she'll either pass out or her nose will start bleeding.
Theresa is a bit of a clutz, often running into things and tripping over her two feet. It's more inconvenient than it is cute, so it's safe to say she's not the most stealthy person. She also is quick to accuse other people of betraying her or being her 'opponent'. She has trust issues and is incredibly stubborn to the point it's impossible to reason with her. It also doesn't help that she's an incredibly emotional person and it's almost too easy for people to get under her skin and inside her head. It makes her incredibly dangerous rather than useful.
Theresa is a waitress, not exactly a good one, but she has kept the job for several months. It doesn't really take long for her to get fired, since she's known for having a 'way with words'.
Her parents know about her powers and forbade her from using them. However, Theresa would practice anyway. She used them to cheat in school by reading people's minds. Often, she can't control the flood of thoughts that invade her head, and they cause her massive migraines. She's a social butterfly and makes friends easily, since she's so passionate. However, she also makes enemies just as easily.

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