The Anti-Lover

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Name:Olivia Rose Lancaster  Nicknames:Liv Livi Via Olivia Rose Age:23 Gender:Female Sexuality:Heterosexual Species:Human Faceclaim:Gina Steibitz

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Olivia Rose Lancaster 
Olivia Rose
Gina Steibitz

Name:Olivia Rose Lancaster  Nicknames:Liv Livi Via Olivia Rose Age:23 Gender:Female Sexuality:Heterosexual Species:Human Faceclaim:Gina Steibitz

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Olivia doesn't have any tattoos, although she isn't exactly opposed to the idea of getting some. She just wouldn't know what to get. She has several scars from being a kid, but nothing too major or noticeable. Her ears are pierced.
Personality: (she's a 5 for the enneagram)
Olivia is a naturally skeptical person; for her to believe in something, she has to see it with her own eyes. Religion, romance, the ideas of soulmates, all of it sounds ludicrous to her. It isn't logical. Provable. She very much is a fact oriented person, and she finds a sense of security in facts. Olivia is not afraid to voice her doubts, which often leads to her giving her opinion when it's not warranted (or wanted for that matter). She's confident, resourceful, and probably too prideful for her own good. Olivia is the sort to do whatever it takes in order to not ask someone else for help. Her stubborn nature will cause her to overcompensate and pretend that she has everything under control, just so she can avoid seeming incapable. Olivia is not an incredibly social person, but she isn't awkward or shy in a social setting. When she's around people, she's relaxed—she just sucks at making plans. Olivia can get frustrated easily, and she is a very cynical, pessimistic, distrusting person.
Olivia is a determined person with a long attention span. She'll do whatever it takes to complete a task, which often leads to her neglecting basic health. She'll forget to eat, sleep, basic hygiene, especially if she enters a depressive episode. Her overactive brain causes her to get into depressive ruts fairly easily because she thinks too much and is soo critical about the world.
She's very intelligent and prides herself on talking circles around people.

Likes:Olivia likes reading, being by herself, asking questions, and being self-sufficient

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Olivia likes reading, being by herself, asking questions, and being self-sufficient. The idea of having to rely on someone else quite frankly terrifies her, because she believes people in general will always let her down or betray her. She enjoys deep discussions about existence and playing devils advocate.
Olivia hates feeling incapable and useless, which is why she's constantly trying to overcompensate by learning new things and doing stuff on her own. She hates feeling like she needs people. Being vulnerable is also something that isn't one of her strong suits, simply because she has trouble acknowledging the fact that her feelings are valid. Livi dislikes romantic movies, simply because she believe they give people too high of an expectation, one that no actual human could ever satisfy.
Life is meaningless and that everything she does will never matter. Olivia also is petrified of being incapable and of being reliant on someone else. She never wants to need anyone.
Olivia is very good at being by herself. She is independent, self-sufficient, and determined, knowing how to prioritize and get things done. She's a very organized and thoughtful person, always noticing and observing the little things. She's good at beating to the sound of her own drum, and she doesn't expect much from other people.
Olivia has terribly high expectations for herself, and she often feels disappointed in herself. She often isolates herself from people, and she's always subconsciously looking for an excuse to 'jump ship' and end relationships. This mentality causes her to end things prematurely a lot of the time. Olivia is also terrible at making plans and communication in general. She expects people to be mind readers a lot of the time. as a logical person, sometimes she says or does things that are insensitive without meaning too. Via is also terrible at expressing her own emotions, but that stems from her holding herself to a higher expectation; essentially, anything negative or sad she doesn't feel like she's valid to feel.

Backstory:Growing up, Olivia had a simple childhood for the most part

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Growing up, Olivia had a simple childhood for the most part. Her parents had a terribly messy divorce, which only seemed to highlight for her the beautiful lie that is love. People in school felt mostly indifferent towards her, except for the few that genuinely liked her. However, Olivia was the sort that preferred to keep everyone an arms length away, so she never really got close with anyone. To this day, she's that way. Sure, she has her friends that she hangs out with, but Olivia isn't inseparable or best friends with anyone. She focuses heavily on her career to make up for the lack of connections in her life. She works with antiques, restoration and historical work. She's joining the show in order to help pay off college.
"Love is a lot like religion. It's a security blanket that the weak need because they're desperate to not feel so alone."
"my aloneness comforts me more than a mother's embrace."
"Every relationship has an expiration date. I just happen to be the few that aren't ignorant to labels."
"I don't need you. I never did. And I never will."
"You're insufferable."
"I don't get paid enough to deal with this level of stupidity."
Theme Songs:
Relimerence—The Happy Fits 
Because she doesn't believe in love (and thinks all it is is lust), her goal for the show is to avoid any sort of major physical connection. Essentially, Olivia hypothesizes that if she never offers up her body but her mind and soul, it is impossible for her partner to fall in love with her. Therefore, proving that what people perceive as love is actually a combination of lust and a fear of being alone.

 Therefore, proving that what people perceive as love is actually a combination of lust and a fear of being alone

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