Andrew West

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Name: Andrew Lee West'Andy' Age: 22 Gender:Male  Sexuality:Gay (Not exactly out, yet

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Andrew Lee West



Gay (Not exactly out, yet. It's not like he's scared to come out, he just never really addressed it with anyone. He's the sort that doesn't like labels. He just hasn't met anyone who lasted long enough for him to introduce to the people he cares about.) 
 A mix between skater boy and soft boy fashion. Honestly, he doesn't really know much about fashion and so he tries to blend in as much as possible with what's currently trending. 

 Stereotypically, he's your golden retriever boy. Andy is a genuinely nice guy. He's very outgoing, charming, and amicable, which leads to him having a very extroverted personality. In all seriousness, he literally is incapable of spending hours on end by himself because he constantly has to be doing something. He's an extreme busy body, and it sometimes leads to him being a workaholic. He's the sort that only feels comfortable when he squeezes as much into a day as possible because he doesn't want to waste time. Andy is a pretty good listener when he tries to be, but he does have the tendency to change subjects rather quickly. After all, he does have the attention span of a toddler. When topics are serious, he looks for opportunities to insert some comic relief since he hates seeing other people upset. However, he does know that some situations require him to actually be serious for once. His outgoing and charismatic personality stems from his deeply routed insecurity. He feels the need to overcompensate and to always be the positive, supportive friend because of his appearance. He has a lot of scars, and in his opinion, he thinks his appearance is revolting. So, his way of coping with it is through his optimistic and playful personality. He wants his first impression to be how he encounters people, not how he looks. 
Andrew also happens to be an extremely impatient person. He hates waiting in lines, hates when things actually take time, and pretty much is incapable of functioning if something isn't given to him when he wants/needs it. Of course, he tries his best to not show it, and usually this will lead to him talking to himself positively, usually trying to assure himself that everything's fine. He also does this when things don't go his way or according to plan. Andrew is also extremely sensitive and takes a lot of things personally. Despite his warmness, he actually is prone to anger. He wouldn't ever hurt anyone, but when he's angry, it gets scary and a bit out of control sometimes, usually when he's drinking. He doesn't mean to hurt anyone, truly, but sometimes he lashes out. It doesn't happen frequently, but it does happen enough that he's had friendships and relationships end because of it. 

He's a tall, lanky male with fluffy brownish-reddish hair. During the summer, it lightens to a more goldish color. He's 6'2.

Tattoos: None Scars: He has a lot of scars all over his body

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He has a lot of scars all over his body. 

Andy has a pretty normal family. Of course, they have their moments where tension is high and things are a bit rocky, but they've always managed to get through the rough patches. Overall, his parents have a beautiful example of a marriage, and Andrew has a good relationship with his brother and sister. Of course, as the eldest, he is very protective of both of them, almost to the point that he becomes a bit suffocating. Now that they're older, he eased off a bit, but he still can't help but feel obligated to protect them from everything. Andy is definitely the poster child for the 'perfect kid'. He definitely radiates golden boy energy, and he's pretty much the perfect person to take home to introduce to your family. Usually, around new people, he's on his absolute best behavior. 
When Andrew was seventeen, he was driving with his friends and ended up getting in a very bad car accident. He swerved to avoid hitting another car and ended up sending the car over a ditch where it rolled several times. Out of the four of them, only one died. Andy's never quite forgiven himself for it, since he knows it was his fault. He was being stupid, and that caused someone to die. And while he hates that his scars constantly remind him of what he did, he's grateful that they're there. He views them as a punishment, and he wants to be punished for what he did. He doesn't talk about it at all, and it's one of the primary reasons he drinks. He also refuses to get into a vehicle, let alone drive. It's why he either bikes everywhere he goes, walks, or takes the subway/train. His parents tried to get him to go to counseling after he refused to talk about it to them, but Andrew refused. 


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Cassandra West: Mother (48)Jonas West: Father (52) Samantha West: Younger Sister (18)
Carter West: Younger Brother (20)

Switch (He is very versatile and prefers to adapt to his partner's needs) 

Turn Ons: 
Passion, teasing, really whatever his partner's into. He really likes to give, mostly because it makes him feel better knowing that the other person is enjoying themselves. 

Turn Offs: 
Inflicting pain onto the other person, blood, really just gross things. 


Theme Song: After the Storm--Mumford and Sons 

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Theme Song: 
After the Storm--Mumford and Sons 

Theme Song: After the Storm--Mumford and Sons 

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