Mr. Glamourous

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Elliot Watson 
Elliot has piercing azure eyes that come across equally unnerving and brimming with intriguing excitement, contrasting greatly with his dark, unruly hair. On the smaller side, Elliot certainly isn't the sort to come across as intimidating by any means. However, his confidence and certainty in who he is is palpable, oozing out of every pore in his body. His posture is impeccable, and he holds his head high no matter the ridicule he faces. 
Face Claim: 
Alex Lawther 

 Face Claim: Alex Lawther 

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Personality:To say the least, Elliot is a highly emotional person

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To say the least, Elliot is a highly emotional person. With his flamboyant personality and a flare for the dramatic, everything seems to be an exhausting uphill battle with him. In his defense, he started amplifying his personality at a younger age as a way to say: 'Fuck You' to everyone that seemed to thrive off of reminding him of his differences. He can come across as over the top, but you can't accuse him of lacking in authenticity. While he seems drawn to the attention, both good and bad, a lot of his actions and theatrical behavior are defense mechanisms to hide the person underneath; the little boy scared of rejection who cares a little too much about what others think. Instead of disappearing from the public eye, trying to make himself smaller, Elliot defiantly forces others to see him; whether it's as the punchline to a joke or as some spectacle is to be determined and varies from person to person.
To make matters worse, Elliot is also the sort of person that doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. He is incredibly persistent, and perhaps he should get an award for that. If he wants to know something, he'll do whatever it takes to uncover the truth. Similarly with befriending/agitating someone else, he'll pester and pester until said person accepts him. Most of the time, the later doesn't occur, but it's the effort that counts. 

Naturally, someone as expressive and authentic as Elliot wasn't popular. In fact, he was pretty much bullied and harassed for a good portion of his school years. Granted, he didn't make the situation any easier, since he had the tendency to fight fire with fire, which only resulted in him getting burned. It wasn't just because Elliot was gay, although, his openness with his sexuality didn't help his situation, but rather, it had a lot to do with how he dressed. His clothes are as dramatic as he is, and his style was seen as unnatural and too feminine in the eyes of many. 
Elliot's mother died when he was young giving birth to his younger sister, and his father, too consumed in grief and work, doesn't exactly make time for Elliot. Of course, the man isn't exactly fond of the 'phase' his son is going through, but he isn't the sort to outright shame him either. He just doesn't take the time to understand Elliot. 
Elliot and his little sister, Addison, are quite close, and she's honestly his biggest cheerleader. Of course, this is mostly because she doesn't quite understand why other people are so reactive to Elliot, since, growing up with him, she saw him as normal. Elliot struggles to remain strong for her, and for himself, and sooner or later, he'll reach a breaking point. 
Elliot isn't completely friendless either. He has quite a few close friends who aren't afraid to associate with him at school, so he isn't some complete loner, rejected by society. Many would expect Elliot to kind of cower and make himself smaller, but the harassment he faces only makes him feel stronger. He wouldn't dare show the parts of him that are bruised and broken, because that sort of vulnerability isn't his forte. He's all about the show, the glamor, the elegance, and he'll do anything to keep that at the forefront of his reputation.  
"Oh chin up, darling. Don't waste good mascara on cheap tears." 
"It's called fashion, you dimwit." 
"Don't worry, this will be our little secret." 
"Care to join my long line of suitors?" 
"Makeup? No, silly, this is war paint." 
"You really are a peculiar thing." 
"No, I'm not a transvestite. I know, it's deeply disappointing." 

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