Juliet Parker

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Juliet Amaris Parker  
Anna von Klinski

Name:Juliet Amaris Parker   Looks:Anna von Klinski

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Age:22Gender:Female Sexuality:Heterosexual Background:Growing up wasn't exactly easy for Juliet, especially when it came to parenting

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Growing up wasn't exactly easy for Juliet, especially when it came to parenting. As the youngest, her parents got divorced pretty much right after she was born. Her mother pretty much left her children, wanting a new start. However, she did visit every month, but they were left in the primary custody of Juliet's father. Her father was very absent except for when he was being verbally or physically abusive to his children. Elias experienced the blunt of the man's loathing. Eventually after several years had passed, Margaret ended up living with their mother. Juliet's mom felt secure enough financially and emotionally to step back in to her children's lives. However, Elias felt completely abandoned by her and refused, and Juliet, who looked up to her brother for direction, followed suit. Margaret was the only one that seemed to want to form a connection with the woman. Of course, she offered Elias and
Juliet to come live with her, but Elias refused and Juliet did also. The years with Juliet's father weren't much better, but she felt like she made the right decision—after all, Elias couldn't handle the man on his own. Besides, Joseph had a fondness for his youngest, which allowed Juliet to calm his temper so that they all could manage living together. It was rough, and because of this, Juliet was always on the quieter side in school. No one disliked her really, but no one really noticed her.
Juliet is an overly trusting, sensitive person who is happy to trade one prison for another. She is naive and ignorant, which often leads to her trusting the wrong sort of people. A hopeless romantic, she's the sort that falls hard and falls fast. It really didn't help that she had a terrible father figure, so now her standards for males are incredibly low. Despite her flaws, Juliet is a nurturing, intelligent young woman who can easily adapt to any given situation for the most part. Really, her oblivious and innocent nature only comes out around males. Otherwise, she's fairly mature and observant. Juliet is a quieter person, but she is somewhat confident. She'll challenge and confront people in a more subtle way since she isn't an aggressive person. When she's upset, chances are she'll give people the silent treatment, or she'll be overly courteous and formal.
Romantic gestures, dancing, going out, reading, and listening to music. Juliet also enjoys small adventures, taking care of other people, children, and watching movies.
Tv shows, aggression, arguments, making her fiancé mad, feeling weak or insecure, and not being in control. Juliet doesn't like chaotic or spontaneous plans. She likes to organize things and to prepare.
Mental/Health Issues:
Elias Jackson Parker—26
Margaret Rose Parker—24
Marleen Anne Laurence
Joseph Conrad Parker
Family Status:
All alive—estranged relationship with her sister, mother, and father. Juliet is only really close with her older brother. She does care about her dad, but she also fears him too.
Waitress but writes on the side (she wants to be an author)

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