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Name: Avery Mkinzie Nickname: Aves, Mkinzie Gender: Female Age: 18 Sexuality: Heterosexual Species: Human Appearance: Teresa Oman Personality: While Avery might seem to come across as quiet or introverted, she is anything but. Quite simply, she always takes a moment upon first meeting someone to assess their character, and she does so silently. Afterwards, if she likes you, she'll talk freely, state her opinions unabashedly. It just takes her a moment to warm up to someone, and then she welcomes them with open arms. However, if she doesn't like someone, which does occur, Avery will make sure they know how she feels about them. Whether it's passive aggressively stewing wordlessly or her leaving a smart remark, you will always know how she feels about something. She's the type of person that isn't afraid to give her opinion on a matter, and, even if you don't ask for it, she'll tell you. Avery is strong willed, but she is also an incredible listener. She's not so stubborn she's incapable of being openminded. However, she often sees things as black and white, and that's purely because of her strong moral compass. Sometimes she's a bit cynical, but it's only because she's the 'realist' friend. She's protective and nurturing, but not much of a dreamer herself. She is definitely very cautious, pegged the 'debby-downer' by some, and she often reminds people of how their 'terrific' idea can go wrong. It's safe to say she isn't impulsive and doesn't do spontaneity. Likes: Avery loves order. She loves plans. She doesn't fair too well when caution is thrown to the wind. Avery loves to go on long drives with the music blasting, hiking, and cooking. Whenever she's stressed, she bakes. Not everything she cooks is ground-breaking, in fact, a lot of it is terrible. However, she has some recipes that she refers to as the 'Old Reliables', since they're recipes she's never butchered. Dislikes: Avery hates when things are chaotic, because she likes to be in control of situations. When things are out of control, she'll do whatever it takes to regain that power. Avery hates being told what to do and dishonesty. If you lie to her, that's a grudge that she'll relentlessly hold over your head. She doesn't care if you betray her or if you commit the worst possible crime; however, if you lie to her, it's the end of the world.
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Hobbies: Avery likes photography, and she takes pictures frequently. However, she isn't super good at it. She just likes to do that--it's like cooking. Half the time it sucks and every once in a while, after a hundred attempts, she produces something that she can be slightly proud of. Quirks: Avery stress cooks and cleans when she's feeling overwhelmed or worried. Really, any intense negative emotion causes her to enter this weird frenzy where she'll be cooking and cleaning, sometimes even at the same time. When she's in a new place, she has to walk the perimeter of the room before she sits down. Whenever she enters a place, she mentally comes up with several plans in order to escape if there's an emergency. It isn't healthy, but she likes to be prepared need be. You never know when you need to make a quick escape. Talents: Avery is literally prepared for anything and everything. She's incredibly resourceful and logical, so, need be, she can confidently say she can probably talk herself out of any situation. Flaws: Avery is a massive worry wort, and it often causes her to let fear dictate her life. Her bluntness is also intimidating for a lot of people. Occupation: She's a barista at a local coffee shop. It's called The Coffee Club. This is her second year working there.
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