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Name: Vera Casey Nickname:V Casey Newbie Birthday: April 5thAge: 25Gender: FemaleSexuality:BisexualSpecies:WerewolfNationality:German Face claim: Mala Emde

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Vera Casey
April 5th
Face claim:
Mala Emde

Name: Vera Casey Nickname:V Casey Newbie Birthday: April 5thAge: 25Gender: FemaleSexuality:BisexualSpecies:WerewolfNationality:German Face claim: Mala Emde

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Vera is on the taller side, being 5'7. She has a strong, square jaw from clenching her teeth constantly. Her face is very youthful and almost innocent looking when she smiles, but her eyes are anything but. She has a terrible RBF face. Her hair is medium length and a rich honey color, with more of a brown tint to it. Her figure is more on the fuller side, but she's physically fit. Her eyes are a dark brown and her skin is fair. She has slight freckling across her nose and cheekbones, and she has a tattoo on her ribs of four fish swimming.

Personality Traits: -Impulsive -Playful -Determined -Creative -Charismatic -Short Tempered Brief Description: Vera is someone who struggles with being obedient

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Personality Traits:
-Short Tempered
Brief Description:
Vera is someone who struggles with being obedient. In general, she tends to rebel against authority and would rather listen to her own instincts (and face the consequences) then follow commands like some dog. Of course, this has caused her to get into altercations with many people, and she's prone to getting in trouble. Unfortunately, her acts of rebellion rarely work out in her favor. Over the years, she's learned to bite her tongue (well, at least 25% of the time).
Despite this, Vera is a fiercely loyal person. If someone she loves is in danger or needs her help, she'll be there and she'll do whatever it takes to make things right again. In some cases, she can be loyal to a fault.
Vera is also a very charismatic person. Granted, she isn't everyone's cup of tea, but she's easy to like considering she's a friendly person. She's not downright bubbly, but she's easy to talk to and isn't too arrogant.
Andrew Casey—Father 62
Her father hasn't been the same since Conrad disappeared. He grumbles more than he talks. The only person who probably still scares her is him (not because he's violent). She just can't tell what he's thinking, and she worries about whether he'll be okay when they all leave home.
Maude Case—Mother 56
Their relationship is very hot and cold. Vera and her mom get along fine but when they don't, they don't.
Conrad Casey—Brother 27
Conrad disappeared three years ago. Some speculate that he joined another pack. Vera doesn't believe this, and she is determined to uncover what happened to him. He was her rock. She hasn't exactly been the same since he left.
Jonah Casey—Brother 17
They're decently close, but he's still on the younger side. He feels like Vera views him as a temporary Conrad.
Allison Casey—Sister 20
They have a terrible relationship. For starters, Allie represents everything Vera isn't. Allie is gentle, even-tempered, diplomatic. Allie doesn't screw up. To be fair, Vera does purposefully try to make her sister pissed and does things she knows Allie hates just to get a rise out of her.
Trying new things, bending the rules, doing what she wants. She loves her moms cooking and is convinced that no one can cook better than the woman.
Being told what to do, when people don't see her side of the situation, and when she has to do the laundry. She hates that part. She also doesn't like watermelon or cashews.
She'll never find out what happened to Conrad, he's dead, and she'll never be successful. She really wants to be a good person and to do something amazing, but she also has really poor judgment.
Her heart. Everything she does, she puts her heart into. She definitely feels things deeply, but it is her passion that allows her to succeed. She has naturally determination and grit. Furthermore, she's a fast learner.
She likes her liquor, but she's not a full blown raging alcoholic.
Her childhood was fairly normal. Her family is pretty well respected within the pack, because her father was a general in the War for Arcadia. He sustained an injury from the war which resulted in a severe limp. He's fine though and continued to thrive afterward. Growing up, Vera has the tendency to mess around with things that she shouldn't. Her partner in crime was always Conrad, who did his best to keep her out of trouble and always let her tag along in whatever he ended up doing with his friends. Of course, he always acted out out when she came along, but secretly he was glad she was there; it meant that he could keep an eye out for her. Conrad and her did everything together. Of course, because of their bond, Allie couldn't help but build resentment towards them. It wasn't fair that they would go off and do their thing and she wouldn't be included. She had a pretty lonely childhood (not that Vera ever noticed—she just saw Allie as perfect). Then came Jonah, who pretty much stole the attention from everyone. Vera found her own way to connect with him.
Everything else is just insignificant to being up until three years ago. One day Conrad disappeared when he was supposed to be patrolling the northern border. No one knows where he went or what happened. To this day, Vera has been trying to put the pieces together, and no one can stop her from figuring it out.
Presently, she's trying to become a soldier/guard for the pack, just like Conrad and her father. She thinks this will be the best way to figure out what happened to him by not only stepping into his shoes but also by getting close to those who knew him. (She's the newbie because she's new to that job within the pack)
Turn ons:
Giving and receiving, passion, when things are a little rougher (she doesn't like being treated like a princess), and public/unconventional places.
Turn offs:
Rape, a lot of pain, weird pet names, and anything too weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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