Chapter 6.

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He kneeled down beside her and started to shake her, in the hope she'd wake up. He took his jacket off and draped it round her. 

Fazer: T? T, come on, wake up.

She started to come round a few minutes later and was struggling for breath. She'd clearly been drinking a lot more. She could barely move, let alone speak properly.

Tulisa: W-w-where am I?

Fazer: You're on a park bench and you're freezing. Shall we get you home?

Tulisa: Y-yeah. I'm s-sorry F-F-azey.

Fazer: It's alright. You're safe, that's the main thing. Dappy asked me to come and look for you. We'll get you home and I'll tell him you're OK yeah?

Tulisa: Y-yeah.

Fazer: Right come on trouble!

He took her back home and he got her a pillow, duvet, some food and a drink. He sat with her for the afternoon until she was sure she was OK.

Tulisa: Look, erm, I know we haven't exactly been getting on well lately but..

Fazer: It's fine, you're my best mate. Despite everything that's happened between us. I wasn't gonna leave you there was I?

Tulisa: No I suppose not.

Fazer: Well there you are then. Are you sure you're OK?

Tulisa: Yeah I'm fine.

Fazer: Good.

Just then his phone rings. It was Dappy asking about Tulisa. Both he and Fazer had been worried about Tulisa's behaviour. For example the swearing on TV. That's normally something Dappy would probably do.

Fazer: Yo duks!

Dappy: How's she doing man?

Fazer: Yeah she's fine. I found her on a park bench, she was freezing!

Dappy: As long as she's alright yeah?

Fazer: Yeah she's fine.

Dappy: Alright well, I'll let you get back to looking after her then.

Fazer: Don't you wanna talk to her man?

Dappy: I will tomorrow or suttin. She's probably tired.

Fazer: Yeah she's knackered, she's fallen asleep nearly.

Dappy: Alright well, I'll let you get back to her then mate.

Fazer: Yeah see you mate.

Dappy: Bye.

He hangs up and kneels down next to Tulisa, who's nearly asleep. He starts talking to her even though she's nearly asleep.

Fazer: Oh T. How did you let things get this bad?

Tulisa: *sniffs* I'm sorry.

Fazer: Oh it's alright. I'm here, you're alright.

Tulisa: You've been the best friend ever and I've treated you like shit. I'm so sorry!

Fazer: It's alright.

Tulisa: No It's not, I'm sorry.

Fazer: Why don't you try and get some sleep? Then when you're asleep, I'll let Ny and Lewis know you're OK, yeah?

Tulisa: Why were they asking?

Fazer: Lew said Ny was asking how you were, yeah.

Tulisa: Just tell them I'm fine, yeah?

Fazer: I will do. Now you try and get some sleep. No arguments.

Tulisa: You don't argue with a female boss mate!

Fazer: I don't care about your female boss shit, this time T. Sleep, now.

Tulisa: Bossy knickers.

Fazer: Yeah I am being bossy but it's because I care.

Tulisa: I know you do.

Fazer: I'll always care.

Tulisa: I know that as well.

Half an hour later, Fazer waited until Tulisa was asleep. He sat in a chair in case she woke up and he texted Lewis to tell him Tulisa was OK.

Fazer: Lew mate she's fine. I finally got her to get some sleep. She tried her female boss routine on me. That shit don't work with me haha.

Lewis: Good I'm glad she's fine. You're such a good mate to her man.

Fazer: Yeah well, she's not got many people she can trust really.

Lewis: True.

Fazer: Tell Ny T's fine yeah?

Lewis: Yeah will do mate.

Fazer: Cheers bro.

Lewis No probs.

Fazer: I'm off anyway mate. Man's gotta sleep init?

Lewis: Ay true, night bro.

Fazer: Night man.

He locked his phone and put it in his pocket. He settled down on the chair he was in. He didn't want to leave Tulisa on her own. He knew she'd probably be fine, but he didn't ever want to find her like that again. She woke up a few hours later, screaming. Fazer woke up and jumped up as fast as he could.

Tulisa: Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Fazer: It's alright T.

Tulisa: What are you doing here?

Fazer: I stayed in case you ended up like this and it's a good job I did.

Tulisa: Thank you.

Fazer: It's OK. It's what mates are for.

Tulisa: I mean for everything. Even when we fell out, you've not left my side.

Fazer: Like I said, that's what mates are for.

Tulisa: You're the best friend ever.

Fazer: Aww bless ya.

Tulisa: No you are.

Fazer: Thank you. Now how about you try and get up and get dressed?

Tulisa: Yeah I think I will.

Fazer: Good. I'll get on with some breakfast for you.

Tulisa: Aww.

Tulisa went to get dressed and Fazer made her chocolate pancakes with chocolate sauce. He wrote a note saying they were in the microwave and he'd had to go somewhere. Meanwhile, Tulisa had a lot of thinking of her own to do... 

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