Chapter 24.

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A couple of weeks later, it was the first date of the trial. There were 8 days in total. Tulisa was giving her evidence on the first day as she was going to be rather busy. Danny also had to give evidence on a separate day as he was also present at the time Tulisa fell/was pushed. She heard her name being called out.

The court calls Tulisa Contostavlos to the witness stand please!

She looked at the card and swore on the bible. Then she began to give her evidence. They started by asking her what had happened, which she told them simply.

Tulisa: The lad was trying to burgle mine and my boyfriend's house so my boyfriend gripped him down while he phoned the police. The lad got away and there was an altercation at the top of the stairs and he pushed me.

The lad: I never pushed her, she fell!

Judge: Quiet please!

The lad: You're under oath so tell the truth! You fell and you know you did! Stop trying to get me in worse trouble!

Judge: I've told you, be quiet! Carry on Miss Contostavlos.

Tulisa: I woke up in hospital a short while after and it turned out the injury was nothing too serious and it just needed stitches and a bandage. That's all that happened.

Tulisa finished giving her evidence and was free to leave the court. She was told a short while after, she could go home, which she did.

Tulisa: That lad tried to get himself out of it, trying to say I fell and he never pushed me.

Danny: Little toerag.

Tulisa: Don't you have to come and give evidence as well?

Danny: Yeah in two days.

Tulisa: I'll come with you for that then.

Danny: OK babe.

They decided to go home, pushing past the paps who wanted to know why they were in court. They got home half an hour later. Tulisa made them some food and they watched TV for the afternoon, before deciding to head out for a meal later on. Tulisa looked up at Danny, he knew she wasn't well.

Tulisa: Can we cancel tonight and just stay in?

Danny: Yeah course we can.

Tulisa: I just fell like I'm gonna... *pukes on the carpet*

Danny: Oh T.

Tulisa: I don't feel very.... *pukes* well

Danny: Get yourself back to bed. There's a bucket in the bathroom in case you need to puke. I'll clean this up.

Tulisa: Thanks Dan.

Danny: It's OK.

She went back to bed and Danny heard her being sick at least 3 times.

Danny: T, you need your hair washing.

Tulisa: Why?

Danny: You've puked in it, it must have been when you've leaned forward.

Tulisa: Oh for fuck sake!

Danny: It's alright. How about we get you a bath and I'll wash it for you?

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