Chapter 8.

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A few days later, things had started to calm down a bit between Tulisa and Ny, although Tulisa was still angry with Ny. Fazer had texted Tulisa and encouraged her to speak to Ny. She refused at first but Fazer hoped he'd made her see sense. She was up and dressed and about 10:00am and she'd arranged to meet Ny in town. She'd just got to the little coffee shop they arranged to meet at and she saw Ny sat at a little table.

Ny: Hi. Thanks for coming to see me.

Tulisa: I'm not staying long. I'm only here because Fazer said I should come and see you.

Ny: You shouldn't have come if it's what he wanted. You should only have come if it's what you wanted.

Tulisa: Well if it was down to me, I'd have nothing more to do with you. Like I said last week, I've changed. If you'd been in my life instead of getting pregnant, you'd know that. Now if there's nothing else, I need to go because I'm meeting Daps and Faze for lunch in a couple of hours.

Ny: Can you not spare half an hour? Just so we can talk? I don't wanna throw our friendship away T.

Tulisa: You did that when you got pregnant and you couldn't even tell me. Now like I said, if there's nothing else, good bye.

Ny: You're being so childish, seriously.

Tulisa: Me, childish?

Ny: Yeah, you're overreacting. I'm pregnant, deal with it!

Tulisa: It's not even the baby I'm bothered about. It's the fact I'm supposed to be your best mate and you couldn't even tell me that you were pregnant!

Just then, Tulisa saw Fazer over the road. He'd seen Ny and Tulisa arguing and rushed over to them.

Fazer: My God are you two still arguing?

Tulisa: I didn't even wanna see her, it was you who said I should come and see her!

Fazer: Yeah and since when have you ever listened to other people T? If you didn't wanna come and see her, you shouldn't have done! It was just a suggestion to get you's talking again.

Tulisa: Yeah well, in future stay out of it!

Ny: Don't have a go at him! It's not his fault if he was trying to get us talking again is it?

Tulisa: You can shut the fuck up as well!

Fazer: Come on T, look I'm sorry. I was just trying to get you's talking again.

Tulisa: I know, I shouldn't be a cow to you Faze. You've done nothing wrong.

Fazer: I understand if you don't wanna talk to her, it's your choice.

Tulisa: Can we go now?

Fazer: Yeah course, come on.

Tulisa: Oh and Ny?

Ny: Yeah?

Tulisa: Do me a favour yeah?

Ny: Yeah what?

Tulisa: Keep the fuck away from me and my boys.

Ny: Fine.

Fazer: So we're your boys eh?

Tulisa: *smiles* Of course!

 Fazer: Good!

Tulisa: So what we doing for lunch?

Fazer: Daps wants to go to McDonalds.

Tulisa: McDonalds it is then!

Fazer: Good, come on then, we gonna chill for a bit?

Tulisa: Yeah let's get out of here, it smells funny,

Fazer: T man.

Tulisa: Faze man.

Fazer: What you like? Come on then.

Tulisa and Fazer left the coffee shop and went to a nearby park. They sat there talking for an hour until they'd arranged to meet Dappy in McDonalds. They all walked in, ordered their food and as usual Dappy and Fazer were messing about and the three of them got thrown out for being too rowdy and disturbing other people.

Dappy: I can't believe you threw ketchup on my head Fazer man!

Fazer: Well you shouldn't have thrown chips at me then should you?

Tulisa: God you two!

Dappy: What T man?

Tulisa: You're like two naughty little boys!

Fazer: Yeah but you love us though!

Tulisa: Unfortunately.

Dappy: Oi man!

Fazer: Yeah what do you mean unfortunately?

Tulisa: Well someone has to love you don't they?

Dappy: Yeah and it happens to be you!

Tulisa: Don't I know it...

Fazer: What we doing this afternoon then? Since we got chucked out of maccies?

Dappy: Fuck knows man.

Tulisa: Go home and I can thrash you two on the ps3?

Fazer: In your fucking dreams woman!

Tulisa: Erm excuse me? Did I or did I not, beat you yesterday?

Fazer: You did.

Tulisa: There you are then!

They went back to Tulisa's house and she thrashed the pair of them on the ps3. They had a great afternoon until two police officers were at her door, wanting to speak to her about Cameron's "disappearance"

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