Ch. 1: Enrolling

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Hotori let themself drop from about 5-6 meters up from the ground, letting their body weight's kinetic energy do damage to the big green robots. They instantly regretted it though as they felt a sharp pain in their heel area and ankles of their foot, hissing at the sudden soreness.

"Bad idea... Very bad idea..." They thought, annoyed with themself. Hotori picked themself up, pretty much limping as they walked. Their quirk deactivated their pain was getting to a point of becoming too much to bear. And using just that would cause her body to feel even more worn out. They weren't too sure what do at this point.

"Maybe if I used my fire-breathing, I could somehow melt the steel of the robots..." She contemplated,"Wouldn't be surprised if these things were fire-proof though..."

Though, making a hot enough flame would also wear them out pretty quickly. And, going full on transformation mode wasn't exactly a choice either. Her full dragon mode wasn't perfected yet, and she also didn't want to have to deal with her clothes ripping in front of all these other people. She tried walking around, already feeling tired from using her quirk too much. And doing the drop method from earlier was no longer an option unless she was okay with sprained ankles. 

Another green robot began to approach her. She turned around, and activated her quirk. She didn't try flying though, her already being too tired to lift herself off the ground, but instead, finally decided to blow fire at the robot. Like she had already suspected before, it did almost literally nothing. The robot again began going towards her. She than fell backwards onto her bottom, quickly hissing at the pain. Halfway through acknowledging, her pain she realized she needed to get away from there as soon a possible, or else the robot would undoubtedly crush her.

Then she heard a crash-like sound right in front of her. Ryuzaki looked up, and her eyes widened. There was a black-haired boy in front of her, huffing from most likely being exhausted. She didn't know what to say. 

But she did know how to feel:


She shouldn't have needed someone else to rescue her when she's got a quirk like hers.

"'You okay??" The boy asked, and Ryuzaki quickly got up.

"Oh, uh, thank you," she awkwardly said.

"No problem! 'Name's Eijiro Kirishima by the way," he said.

"Oh, my name's Hotori Ryuzaki," she responded, putting her hands on her knees, huffing from tiredness.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look pretty exhausted," he said with concern.

"Yeah... It's kinda part of my quirk," she told him. She then noticed another robot approaching them. She quickly transformed and flew towards the robot, kicking her legs out towards it, kicking it back and doing damage to it.

"Um... Heh, call it even?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah," she smiled at him. Ryuzaki then realized that she needed to destroy more robots herself or she would most likely find herself in a similar situation again. Did she get into her dream school, or should she have trained to use her quirk for bit longer? Only time will tell...


"Hotori!" Mr. Ryuzaki exclaimed in excitement from outside his daughter's bedroom door.

Hotori put down the piece parsley she was feeding to her little beardie and walked up to open the door.

"It finally arrived!" Her father said presenting a white envelope with nice red sealing wax on it.

"I wanted to take a sneak peek! But then I thought 'No! This is for Hotori, they should be the one to open it!' So I came to give it to you as fast as possible-"

"Alright, alright honey. You're getting more excited than Hotori themself," Mrs. Ryuzaki walked up behind her husband.

"Come on honey, if you want, you can open it by yourself," she reassured her daughter.

"Aww, but I want to see their reaction!" her father slightly whined.

"Come on, give them some space," her mom pulled her dad away. And with that, the bedroom door shut, and Hotori threw themselves onto their bed, holding the envelope up and looking at it.

So many emotions were going through their head.

Did they not make it in?

Are they finally officially enrolled??

Did they not try hard enough and now have to hold the burden of knowing they got rejected by their dream school???

They sat up, crisscross, and finally tore it open.

The message inside almost brought them to tears...


The room's door screeched as Hotori opened it.

"Soooooo, how'd my little Drakaina do??" Her father asked eagerly.

She looked up at him.

With a wide smile they couldn't control, and their eyes beginning to feel watery and they said, "I got in... I got in!"

She exclaimed excitedly.

Her father leaned down to give her a nice big bear hug, while her mom watched from the side. Ibuki then walked towards them with a pleased smile on her face.

"I hope that you become a wonderful hero, my sweet Hotori..." Her mother thought to herself.

And with that, the story of the Next Great Dragon Hero begins...

~The End of Ch. 1

A/N: Okay, so, that was the first chapter, it wasn't very long but I promise I'll do my best to make future chapters at least around 1,000 words or more.

I don't wanna have this one fic drag on for like 80 chapters, so I might split it into several books depending on the canon story arcs.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if this isn't very intriguing or anything. It's the first fic I've written seriously, so if you noticed I somehow misspelled something, or wording just seems off to you. Please leave a comment with your constructive criticism.

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