Ch. 3: Every Vote Counts!

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"You all need to pick a class representative," Mr. Aizawa stated.

"Pick me guy! I wanna be class rep!" Kirishima shot up from his seat.

"I'll take it!" Kaminari, sitting in front of Kirishima, shouted.

"You're gonna need me," Jiro said raising her hand.

"Someone with style should-"

"Pick me! I'm totally the right pick!" Ashido shouted waving her hands in the air.

Ryuzaki didn't even try to get anyone's attention. She already had enough of her brain's-space being taken up from the worry of her not being able to use her quirk for very long. She didn't want to have to worry about all the different duties that a class rep would have to go through.

As soon as everyone settled down, the voting began.

Ryuzaki thought about it long and hard. She barely knew most of her classmates. Heck! She only knew a couple of their names. Then, she remembered the Apprehension Test they had taken in the first day of school.

"Let's see... Kirishima... Ashido... Iida... Bakugo..." Ryuzaki tried her best to remember all the names of her classmates.

"Momo Yaoyorozu was the only one intelligent enough to be able to see through Aizawa's lies." Ryuzaki thought to herself.

"She also seemed to know what she was talking about when we were asked about our fighting strategies during battle training"

After a couple of minutes, the results were shown on a monitor.

Midoriya had gotten 3 votes, and Yaoyorozu had gotten 3 as well, one of which, came from Ryuzaki.

She had voted for Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Oh great, 'seems like we have a tie," Mr. Aizawa said sarcastically.

"Okay, idiots! WHO VOTED FOR HIM!?" Bakugo yelled, making Ryuzaki slightly jump.

"What? Did you actually think anyone would vote for you?" A kid with black hair mockingly asked him.

"Um, what are we going to do about the tie, Mr. Aizawa?" Ryuzaki asked.

"I'd say to just go off Entrance Exams scores, but since Yaoyorozu got in through just recommendations, I guess Midoriya get's the upper hand with his score from the Entrance Exam," Mr. Aizawa said.

"So...?" Ashido asked.

"This means Midoriya gets to be Class Representative, and the Deputy is Yaoyorozu," Mr. Aizawa stated.


It was now lunchtime, and Ryuzaki didn't quite know where to sit. She looked around for a bit, and a familiar redhead caught her eye.

"That's the boy from the Entrance Exam! What was his name...? Eijiro Kirishima!" She thought proudly to herself for remembering.

He was sitting near another golden blonde boy.

She contemplated sitting there, not wanting just to butt into their conversation and possibly make things awkward.

She finally went for it.

"Um, hi," she said awkwardly to the two boys.

"Can I sit here?" She asked.

"I dunno. Can you?" The blonde one said, slightly joking.

Ryuzaki slightly blushed, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Oh, hey Ryuzaki! Of course you can," Kirishima said excitedly.

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