Ch. 11: Hero Names and Interships!

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Ryuzaki was walking their way to school in the light rain, when suddenly a couple of girls, maybe a bit older than them, stopped them on their way. She was surprised as they made their way towards her.

"Oh my gosh! You were at the U.A. sports' festival, right? You're Ryuzaki!" One of them exclaimed.

"You were the one with the dragon quirk! I heard you can also transform into a big dragon like ones from stories of princesses and knights!" The other said.

"Oh- Uh... Yeah! That's me!" Ryuzaki managed to say.

"You remind me a lot of Ryuukyu! The dragon hero!"

Ryuzaki was completely flustered.

"And you spit fire too!? So cool!!"

What was this? Positive feedback!? She didn't know exactly how to respond.

"Um- That's- Great! Thank you so much, but I gotta get to school, you know? Um..." Ryuzaki was beet red.

She wasn't used to all this admirenment. As they walked on the sidewalk to their way to school, so many thoughts were going through their brain. It didn't take much longer for some other people in the streets to recognize Ryuzaki. She could hear them all whisper and feel their eyes staring at her. She tried hiding herself with her umbrella.

"That's the girl with the dragon quirk, right!?" Someone pointed out.

Ryuzaki heard them.

"Oh that's so cool! I wish I had a quirk like that!"

She disagreed. Hard.

"No you don't... You know what? Maybe if you would've been born with it, you would've done a better job at using it then me..." Ryuzaki's insecurities began to resurface, "I can't believe it. People actually think I did I good job? I mean, I did get past the first round at least... But Tokoyami beat me! And his quirk is so much more interesting than mine. He also made it to third place."

"And Todoroki got in second, and Bakugo got in first... I bet they're gonna get stopped by a LOT more people than just two."

Their mind then went to their little conversation with Bakugo from the day before.

"Oh right. I think I annoyed him... a bit... 'Annoyed' More like completely angered him! If I make through the day, it'll be a miracle," Ryuzaki thought dreadfully. They finally made it to the hall where their classroom was located. An itchy feeling began to arise on their skin.

"Alright, no need to panic. Just go through the door, walk to your seat, and sit down. Oh! And he sits right behind me too!" They felt like facepalming themself. Finally, they walked through the already opened door, and made her their to her seat.

"Its so weird that people recogonize us from TV. Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way hear." Mina told her classmates.

"Yeah! Me too!" Kirishima said.

"I figured I wasn't the only one who had to deal with that too," Ryuzaki thought to herself.

"Yeah, I did aswell. People were staring at me; I felt kind of embarrassed..." Ryuzaki admitted.

"You'll never believe what a bunch of elementary school kids told me," Sero begin.

"'Nice try'," Tsu answered him and Sero facepalmed in embarrassement.

"That was only one sports' festival and suddenly it's like we're celebrities!" Kamimari stated.

Ryuzaki listened to all them talk to calm her nerves. She was doing her very best not make eye contact with Bakugo. Heck! She didn't even dare to look in his direction. He sat right behind her, so it was kind of easy. Everyone made their way back to their seats just in time for Mr. Aizawa to walk in. Ryuzaki noticed that all of his bandages were gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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