Ch. 10: The Past is Still Lurking

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A/N: I just realized I never showed what Ryuzaki's parents look like, so have the picture above. ^^
That's supposed to be a younger Ryuzaki by the way.


"Well, what are you gonna be when you grow up, Hotori?" My dad would ask.

"I wanna be a superhero!"

It was the only thing I ever responded with.


"Since it was her first time using her quirk and it was sudden, her body wasn't used to the sudden change."

"Tell me, what are your quirk's drawbacks?" My doctor asked.

"I don't really have any besides automatically activating my quirk when I sneeze," My mom responded.

Then he looked at my dad.

"Transforming takes quite a lot of stamina from me. Last time I checked, I could barely hold it for a couple of seconds," Dad explained to him.

"I see..."

"Since Hotori seems to have gotten a transformation quirk too, it makes sense it would behave similarly to yours too,"

"It'll be something she'll just have to live with."

We were at the hospital.

After I had apparently fainted after using my quirk. It was my full dragon transformation.

I didn't even know I had a "halfway" transformation until later in life.

I can barely even remember anything from my full transformation.

Then again, I was around five when it happened, so it has been a while.

Mom says that she came into my room after hearing some rumbling and stuff falling off shelves. She came to find a red dragon like creature, maybe bit bigger than a golden retriever, trashing the room.

After a bit of convincing it to calm down, it detransformed into me, and I was unconscious.

My parents rushed me to the hospital, not sure what else to do.

I woke up almost two days later.


My parents were a bit hesitant about letting me use my quirk again. But being the naive child I was, I would try to anyway.

Whether it was me trying to show off my "cool dragon quirk" to my kindergarten classmates, despite failing to, or forcing it through while alone in my bedroom, I tried to use it despite the drawbacks.

But every time I did, my body would feel like I had just ran a mile with no breaks.

Activating it alone was a pain.

And people wouldn't take me seriously when I told them that I wanted to be a hero.

"You know, heroes need to use their quirks right?"

"You can't be a hero with a quirk like that!"

"Your quirk would be SOO much cooler if you could actually use it."

"You can turn into a dragon!? What a shame you can't use it."

Hearing them...

Hearing them all say that.

Hearing them say I was supposed to be one thing, but was a complete disapointment for being another...

It made feel rejected.

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