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Audrey's POV

I laughed aloud as Harry sat atop of me tickling me because I refused to kiss him. We would be leaving for Anchorage soon, and he was holding us up. And our little boy Bryant was still taking his usual nap.

"Harry! Please, St- St-STOP!" I continued to giggle and screech.

He then did the unthinkable, he leaned down and licked my face. EW. He reminds me of a dog at the moment, hehe, and MY dog.

"Ugh, gross Harry! Now quit before we wake Bryant up! Wouldn't want our little man crying the whole way to Alaska now, would we?" He immediately stopped, chuckling to himself. I then looked at the time, realizing we had 3 hours until we had to leave for the Airport.

"Haz, I am going upstairs to get ready and finish packing! Is there anything else you need?" He only shook his head as I made my way up the staircase.

"Bob the builder,

Can we fix it?

Bob the builder Yes we can!" I sang to myself, laughing a bit. I guess you could say that Bryant watches Bob the Builder too much.

After getting ready and finishing my packing, I put my dress on a hanger so that it wouldn't get all wrinkled up.

I then walked across the hall to Bryant's room and glanced at him in his small Spider Man bed. Louis and El got it for him, oh the joy.

He had been wearing his Spider Man pj's also, making me giggle, Harry had put him to bed the night before. I grabbed his little Bob the Builder backpack and put his tablet, (Kid Fire), and other small necessities in it before grabbing his bag of clothes and taking them downstairs.

I then went back up to his room to wake him up.

"Bryant, buddy, you gotta wake up. Don't you want to go and see Auntie Steph and Uncle Bear? They will be so excited to see you! Maybe Uncle Bear will even let wear his pt. shirt! (US MILITARY SHIRT)" I cheered, as he finally rose from his deep sleep. Gah, he sleeps just like his father. With his dark curls pushed back, and his big green eyes closed snugly.

"Mummy, do you tink Auntie Stephie will let me play with Cooper?"

"Yes darling. She will. Now come along, Mummy and Daddy don't want to be late for the plane to Anchorage!" I chuckled, my 3 year old has to be the most adorable one alive.

I then picked Bryant up and carried him downstairs to where Harry was eating a banana, and taking our bags out to the taxi awaiting us.

***AFTER FLIGHT**********

We had finally arrived in Alaska, boy was I glad to finally reach land. I must say, if it weren't for Bear, I wouldn't be flying all the way out to Alaska. Not to mention, with a 3 year old and a husband who acts like a 3 year old.

We were greeted with tons of people all bustling through, either getting ready to set flight or headed towards baggage claim. Bryant was asleep, so Harry gave me him so that he could grab our bags.

After we finally received all of our things, we set on look out for my goofy Brother and my amazing Sister In Law. Oh yippee.

We finally spotted them with a big sign that said Audrey Styles on it with the weirdest picture ever of me, from the first time I came out to Anchorage to visit and I was in the middle of a sneeze and their lovely daughter Lucy was taking pictures on her mother's phone. And it just so happened to be during my glorious sneezing face. *insert SARCASM*.

Bryant instantly woke up after hearing the sound of Bear talking, he like adores him, I don't understand but I will just go along with it.

"UNCLE BEAR! AUNTIE STEPHIE. I have misseded you this much!" He spreads his arms wide, as Bear picks him up in his arms.

"You have? Oh well, Auntie Steph and I have a big surprise for you, your Mummy, AND even your daddy! Now come along before we all get trampled." Bryant giggled and I couldn't help but smile, Harry and I make good babies, what can I say?

But I do know something that no one else knows, I am pregnant. And it has only been about 4 weeks now. But I am not going to tell them until our Going Away party for Bear later on. He has to go over to the Middle East for about 2 months, and things are getting pretty intimate over there. Which scares me the most. I never look forward to receiving a little green paper telling me that my brother is dead. That would kill me.

***LATER AT PARTY**********
"Okay guys, there is something important I have to tell you all. And I'm pretty excited about it." I start off at the dinner table.

"Well. I just wanted to let you know that in a few months, Stephanie and Bear will be blessed with another Niece or Nephew. And Harry, another beautiful child. And most of all, Bryant can become an older brother." I finished off.

Stephanie immediatley jumped up, came over to where I was, and hugged me.

"So Audrey, do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" Bear spoke up, a cheeky grin on his face. Gah, I love my brother so much.

"Honestly, I don't care what gender my next child is. He or she will be one of the most beautiful children alive because their father is absolutley stunning." I looked up at Harry before he spoke.

"Not as beautiful as their mother though."

I sighed, I am happy with life. I have a WONDERFUL husband. An AMAZAYN son. A future EXTRAORDINHARRY baby. An extremely SUPPORTIVE brother, who I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. An amazingly UNDERSTANDING Sister In Law. But most of all, I HONESTLY wouldn't trade a single thing for any downside as to what has happened in my past, because that is Honestly a part of who I am, and quite frankly, I am proud of that.

A/N OKAY! So, that was the ending of Honestly! I hope you all liked it, and by the way, I will be going through alllllll chapters and editing them and making them longer and easier to understand and not be so complicated! Haha. Well Thanks to anybody whobis reading this! You are FABULOUIS. And please, read my stories Man Of The Ring and The Hairstylist! I hope they turn out as well as this books has! Okay, that's all! Goodbye!! ☺☺

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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