Ch. 15 "Do you really love me?"

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Harry's POV

It was completely infuriating whenever I heard what that scumbag did to my Audrey. But as soon as I heard her say that she cared for me and that she loved me, I became more soothed, when she finished telling him off I grabbed her by the waist and took her away from him. Heading for my house that was only 10 minute walk tops. I was carrying her in my arms and by the time we arrived she was asleep, so I carried her inside quickly saying hello to my mum and took her upstairs to my room and laid her down on my bed. I tucked her in and went downstairs to talk to mum.

4 Hours Later******

Audrey's POV

I woke up and realized I wasn't  in my own bed and started panicking. I looked around to take in my surroundings. That's when I noticed a note on the bedside table. It read:



You are in my house so do not panic. After your long speech to Corey I took you here and you fell asleep by the time we arrived so I decided to let you get your rest. My mum and sister, Gemma, are downstairs so when you see this go downstairs. You have food in the microwave. I didn't  know what your favorite was so I called Kira and she told me. So in the microwave is some of your favorite Chipolté. I am at my work but I should be back before 8:00 PM tonight. I love you and will see you when I get home. And don't worry both Kira and Bear know you are here for the night.


I put the note down and went downstairs to meet Harry's mum and sister. When I got to the end of the staircase I saw what looked to be his mother and Gemma talking and watching Pretty Little Liars.

"Hello, Mrs. Styles and Gemma. I am Audrey, Harry's girlfriend. He told me when I woke to come downstairs to meet you guys. And may I ask where the kitchen is? He said my Chipolté was in the microwave." I spoke to them softly.

"The kitchen is right down the hall and please, dear call me Anne." Harry's mother said to me.

"O-Okay, Mrs- I mean Anne. Thank You and what time is it?" I replied, slightly blushing.

"No problem sweetie and it is 7:45." She told me. I nodded in response, Harry should be home soon. I found my way to the Kitchen and made myself a glass of water and grabbed my Chipolté and ate while incredibly enjoying the food, thankful Harry called Kira. KIRA. I thought, my eyes widening. I quickly finished my food and glass of water before setting it in the sink and throwing my trash away. I made my way back upstairs and to Harry's room  and spotted my phone on the bedside table. I grabbed it and called Kira.

K = Kira A = Audrey

K: Hello

A: Hey I was wondering.if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? Maybe go to the mall? I need to talk to you about something.

K: Sure, what is it you need to talk about?

A: Harry. I think I really do love him.

Harry's POV

I just arrived home from work and was about to knock on my door when I heard Audrey on the phone. "Harry. I think I really do love him. But enough said I will see you around noon tomorrow! Bye Kira." I heard through the door before she hung up. I decided to now go into my room so I opened the door and saw Audrey laying across my bed.

Audrey's POV

"Hey, Audrey if you want you can sleep in my shirt." Harry spoke to me calmly. I nodded my head and tugged on the shirt he was wearing. He shrugged it off and I turned around and took off my tee-shirt and skinny jeans and slipped his shirt over my head, as soon as it was on me I inhaled the familiar ginger & mint scent. His shirt reached to my about mid thigh. You would think ginger and mint wouldn't go together, but Harry sure can pull it off. After I put it on I turned by around and let my hair out of my pony tail and folded my clothes neatly sat them on the couch he has in his room. I looked up at him and he finally spoke.

"Do you really love me, Audrey?" He asked.

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