Ch. 12 What Really Happened

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Audrey's POV

"I woke up only to start coughing and realizing the fire and smoke around me. I looked around and there  she was. Running out of the fire. She turned quickly at me and saw that I was awake, fear shooting through my eyes, and chuckled before running away. I soon stood up and tried to find my way out of the fire, for it was now fully surrounding me, and realized there was no way out of this. Suddenly the smoke got to difficult for me to breath, and soon I had lost conciousness." I finished telling the police what I saw, and what had happened. They wanted to call me in for questioning, and they asked me exactly what I thought they were going to. "Did you see anything before you passed out.." was the same question everyone had been asking me since the incident. It has now been 3 days since it happened and I am now getting out of the hospital today, the doctors said that I had gotten alot of smoke into my lungs and they had to flow it out of my system. So now that it is done, I can leave the hospital. Honestly, Harry hasn't left my side for anything, not even to take a shower. He stinks now, but I'm not complaining, most people couldn't care less about me. "Who is this 'she'?" The police officer, Officer Lane asked me once again. "He-Her name is H-Hannah. Hannah Woods." I seethed at the thought of the girl who has went WAY over the line by trying to kill me. "Okay, thankyou. We will be tracking her down and putting her into custody, with the charge of attempted murder. She will be sentenced to prison for 5 years." Well, that was interesting. I nodded my head as I quickly scooted out of my chair and left the room. Harry was standing outside of the door and as soon as I saw him I ran too him and collapsed into him, sobbing. "Shh, shhh Audrey it's okay, don't cry, shhhhhh." Harry soothed me as I continued to sob into his t-shirt, it now becoming wet with my tears as they flowed from my eyes. "Thank you, thank you so so much Harry. I love you so much." I sobbed quietly. After that we left the police station and went to Harry's home. There were 3 other cars parked in the drive way of his house. We walked up to the door and he carefully knocked, and a tall blonde haired girl with green eyes similar to Harry's. "Hey Harry, is this the Audrey girl you always seem to be talking about?" She asked Harry, teasingly. "Shut it Gemma." He spat at her. "Hi, I am Gemma, Harry's sister, you must be Audrey!" She cheerfully spoke to me and I looked up and her expression changed. "Aww, sweetie what happened? Are you okay?" Gemma asked me, pointing out that my eyes were bloodshot and my makeup was smeared across my face. "Gemma, she has been in these clothes for 3 days because she has been in the hospital. Can you show her to the bathroom and can she borrow some of your clothes? I am going to pick out some movies and make some tea and popcorn and the. we are going to watch movies tonight." He spoke softly. She nodded towards him and took me to what looked like her room and showed me where all of the clothes were. I quickly thanked her and grabbed a light blue and pink striped tank top with some light pink jogging pants and some undergarmets. "Thanks Gemma, and do you mind if I just use your bathroom and borrow some makeup?" I asked softly, my voice cracking slightly, and she nodded and I made my way towards her bathroom. I then quickly took a shower and changed and put some light makeup on and walked out of the bathroom. I nodded at Gemma, she was on her bed on her laptop and she looked up at me and smiled softly. I walked out of the door and went to Harry's room just as he was setting down a big bowl of popcorn and two cups of tea. "What movies did you pick?" I questioned him. " Well, I picked White Chicks, Love Actually, and of course the best Disney Movie of All time The Lion King, do you want to pick any other than those?" He asked me, nervously. "Those are my 3 most FAVORITE movies, especially The Lion King, I'm a total sucker for disney movies." I spoke cheerfully. "Really?? Me too." He chuckled.

Harry's POV

Yet again, another reason why I love her. She is absolutley stunning, I don't see why she has to cover her beautiful natural face up with makeup. She has the greatest attitude. And her sea green eyes are absolutely breathtaking.


A/N: Sooooo, I know this is just a short filler chapter, but atleast I updated. Tell me what you think in the comments. 3 Votes for next chapter!


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