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Audrey's POV

"Look Kira, it isn't what it looks like. I swear to you." I tried to reason, she was blowing up at me for no reason.

"What the hell Audrey, I told you not to go near him." She snarled back at me.

"It's not my fault oka-" I was then cut off by the bell signaling it was time to go to our next class. Luckily I had study hall, and with Kira.

She only glared at me and threw her trash away, while I followed suit. Damn I need to stop looking like a lost puppy following her around. She's my best friend, she should let me explain and not jump to conclusions on me.

Once we made it to study hall, I threw my bag down and quickly sat Kira down so that I could talk to her.

"Look Kira, I didn't do shit okay? I was only getting my books out of my locker and he pushed me against the lockers and he wouldn't let me go. It isn't like I TOLD him to kiss me." I carefully explained, in hopes that she would understand.

"Okay fine. But just a warning, you might not want people to find out, they are sure to start up rumors."

"Oka-" I couldn't finish what I was going to say before I was cut off by the devil himself.

"Hey babe. I just wanted to let you know that I am coming over to your house tonight." He said oh so casually.

"Excuse me?." I was flat out tired of him now.

"See, my step dad works with your mom now. I'll be seeing you a lot more often."

This cannot be happening.


"MOM! JOSEPH! I'M HOME" I yelled into the house as I made my way through the front door.

"OH. Honey, do you have any proper dinner dresses?" My mom asked as she was walking down he stairs into the living room where I was.

"Um no why?" I didn't want to believe what Harry said.

"My new boss, Robin is coming over for dinner tonight and he's bringing his son Harry over. Says his son goes to Ridgeway and is a senior like you. Do you know him?" Fuck my life.

"No ma'am. I don't know a Harry. But can't I just wear a skirt instead of a dress?" I played it off casually, Harry was the last person that I wanted coming into my house.

"Fine. But make sure you look decent." And with that, she walked away. Probably going to pester my brother about what he should be wearing tonight.

After a while, I decided I should at least look presentable. I ascended the stairs and finally reached the bathroom. I hopped in the shower, cleaned up, and then wrapped a towel around myself and ran to my room so that Joseph wouldn't see me.

I searched through my endless amount of clothes until I finally found my long black skirt. I paired it with a bright red blouse and matching red flats. I then blow dried and straightened my naturally wavy hair. Then, I brushed my teeth and fixed my make up, making it look natural.

By the time I was able to get back downstairs, I heard the distant chattering of a voice that I've come to learn very well. I really did not want to go downstairs and see him, but I knew my mom wanted me to so I guess I'm kind of obligated.

When I finally descended the stairs, Harry made eye contact with me and winked, while smirking at me. Me being the person I am, I blushed and looked away. Where is this all coming from? I need to stop.

My brother soon came down and we went and set the table for our mother. Dinner was soon ready and we all sat down at the table. Of course when Harry came to sit, there was only one spot left on the end and it just had to be beside me. Lovely.

"So, how is the food everyone?" My mom gently asked from across the table.

"Great." We all replied at once, causing Robin to chuckle.

As I was eating my food, I felt something on my leg, causing me to jump slightly.

I glanced down, only to see that it was Harry's hand. I quickly swatted it away. Only for him to put has hand up higher, and grip my thigh tighter. I have to admit, it was making me feel all kinds of tingly and weird, but I liked it. I would never admit that to anyone.

His hand had soon went under my skirt and pushed it up so much that he was this close to touching my no no square.

I glared at him, in hopes that he would stop, but that didn't work. His hand lightly brushed over my area through my panties, he could feel that I was wet. I finally decided that was enough.

I quickly stood up from where I was sat and excused myself to the bathroom. Really I just went up to my room and buried my face in my pillow and screamed. I then heard a knock on my door.

"Go away Joseph." At least I thought it was my brother. I heard the door lightly close and then I felt my bed sink beside me.

I looked up and saw the one and only Harry.

He hovered over me and roughly whispered in my ear.

"I felt how wet you were for me. I know you want me." He growled.

Why was he doing this? This is weird and awkward. This has GOT to stop, right now.

"PLEASE get the fuck off of me, I'm trying to be nice, but I do not like this feeling. I want you to stop. Don't make me call for Joseph."

"Awe, the poor little innocent needs her brother to come and save her. Sorry darling, it doesn't work like that. See this is my little game, where you give in to me and then I leave you behind. Now, just do what I want you too so I can move on the next one."

That was enough for me. I was finally able to push him off of me, causing him to growl at me.

"You think I'm going to be part of some stupid game and be a whore and let you "get what you want from me and then leave"? Um nO sir. I do NOT do stuff like this, I am truly innocent and you are going to stay away from me because I am not in to you what so ever and I am not some little toy that you can play games with. I will not do it." I finally let loose, shocking him. He pissed me off, and this is what he gets in return.

"Sweetheart, you don't get to choose what happens. Trust me, you will give in to me, and then when you think you've changed me, I'm going to break your little innocent heart. So it would be better for you to just go ahead and give in to save me the trouble." I growled at me.

Who the heck does this guy think he is, telling me what to do, I didn't ask for a teacher, and he isn't my parent. He needs to calm the heck down, and go somewhere else because this chica is NOT dealing with no bs like this.

I glared at him and was about to respond when I heard Harry's step dad from downstairs.

"Harry come on, we're leaving."

And with that, Harry, against my will, came over to me and kissed me on the lips, whispering rough words to me.

"I'll guess we will have to do this the hard way then." And then he left.

Game Boy H.S. AU {UNDER EDITING} 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now