Ch. 17 I'm Done

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That little bitch isn't getting away with what she did. I will find her and she will have no clue what is coming towards her.

Audrey's POV

I immediately avoided Hannah seeing as she didn't notice me and made my way towards where Kira was.

"Kira," I breathed as I hugged her.

"Hey, Audrey," she said, hugging me back.

"You wanna eat? I haven't had breakfast yet," I asked.

"Sure," she answered.

We walked to the food court, chatting about random topics and decided on McDonald's. White we were standing in line Kira asked me about what I wanted to tell her.

"I'll tell you when we're eating, yeah?" I said.

The line moved up and we ordered our food, then sat at a table white we waited for our meals to be served. One of the employees brought us our orders on a tray. We thanked him and began eating.

"So how've you and Harry been?" Kira questioned, wiggling her eyebrows.

I laughed lightly. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Kira, I-"

"You didn't break up, did you!?" she freaked.

"No, no, of course not," I said quickly. "Dear god, no. Quite the opposite, actually. I think... Kira, I love him."

Once those words got out of my mouth Kira jumped out of her seat, dancing and singing "Audrey and Harry, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes-"

"Kira!" I exclaimed, extremely embarrassed because she was causing a scene and people were staring.

"Aw, calm your nips. I'm just excited for you guys! I can tell by how he looks at you he feels the same way," she said, sitting down and looking me in the eye.

"I know, I just thought-" I abruptly stopped as I glanced over Kira's shoulder.

"BEAR!" I exclaimed and jumped out of my seat, running towards him and throwing my arms wide for a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see my sister, of course," he replied looking down at me.

A cough came behind me and I turned around to see Kira standing expectantly, her hands on her hips.

"And my favorite cousin," Bear added as he let go of me to give Kira a hug too.

"How'd you know we were here?" I asked him.

He wordlessly pointed at Kira who in turn sheepishly held her phone up.

I nodded and started walking back to the table. "Well, I'm hungry, so you too have fun catching up and I'll eat my food," I said.

"I'll help you!" Bear stated excitedly as he followed behind me, leaving Kira by herself.

"Well I see now how loved I am," Kira said as she trailed behind Bear, not wanting to be left alone.

"I love food more," I retorted jokingly as I sat down in my seat.

"Hurtful," she said.

I shrugged and started eating my food again. Bear pulled up a chair from a nearby table and sat down next to me.

"So how've you two been this fine morning?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Hungry," I answered, still eating.

"Fine, thank you. What about you?" Kira answered, giving me a pointed look. I just shrugged and continued eating. Bear and Kira started talking about something and I wasn't paying attention because my phone had buzzed, signaling that I had a new text message.

From: Hazza Bear xx

Hey babe! How's mall with Kira going?

To: Hazza Bear xx

Good! Almost done, should be heading home soon. I'll let you know if anything comes up.

From: Hazza Bear xx

Okay. I'll see you in a few.

I smiled as I lowered my phone to the table and joined Bear and Kira's conversation. After talking a few minutes I got up to throw the trash away. I had put the tray on the top where it's supposed to go when I turned around and ran into someone's tray, causing their leftovers to go splattering across Gemma's shirt. I looked up and saw Hannah, who had a smirk across her makeup-crusted face. "Oops," she smirked at me, tilting her head to the side.

"You bitch," I seethed through my teeth, clenching my jaw.

"Oh sweetie, haven't you learned by now? Accidents happen," she said in a sickly-sweet face that annoyed the crap out of me.

"Yeah, and I also learned to tell the difference," I said. And then I reared my arm back and gave her a square punch to the nose. I felt the bone break as my fist collided with her face for what seemed the millionth time. She doubled over, holding her hand over her nose. I grabbed her hair and yanked her head up so she was facing me as her hand dropped to her side, covered in the blood that was gushing out of her nose.

"I could kill you right now," I said as I held my fist up, aimed at her nose. "I could punch you right now and you're worn little nose bone would penetrate your teeny brain."

I lowered my fist. "But I'm not going to. Because you deserve to live with what you've done to me, and to Harry, and to all the good people you've harassed. I hope your jealousy eats you alive. Because I'm done taking your shit. All the shit you've put me through since the day we stopped being friends. I'm done with it. We are adults and it's time you start acting like one." The mall security was getting close.

"Audrey," Kira warned.

I held my hand up and look back at Hannah, whose shirt was now covered in blood. "This is goodbye. This is an end of the days where you torture me, because I won't deal with your childish acts anymore. Goodbye, Hannah." Then I punched her jaw, knocking her out cold. I turned to Kira and Bear. "Let's go."

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