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Aelina sat next to Carbucketty, leaning against him. She was exhausted. Rum Tum Tugger pointed at Carbucketty, with an glare.
Bombalurina shushed her mate with a glare.

See the dew on a sunflower.
And a rose that is fading,
Roses wither away.
Like the sunflower,
I yearn to turn my face to the dawn.
I am waiting,
For the day.

Now, Old Deuteronomy, just before dawn,
Through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife,
Announces the cat who can now be reborn
And come back to a different Jellicle Life.

The jellicles joined around Old Deuteronomy, patiently and excited to hear the choice.

Cats The Musical: New Kittens! Book 1Where stories live. Discover now