6. Tense

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After your confrontation with Senku about his weird behavior, things between you two got...tense to say the least.

There were several occasions throughout the day wherein at least one of you would blow up on the other for anything really. There was no rhyme or reason to it and that aspect alone was driving the two of you up the wall.

Why were you two suddenly so hostile towards each other?

Why was it always so awkward to be alone together?

Why was everything so tense?

It didn't take long before you had had enough and decided to, again, confront Senku, absolutely determined to get an answer out of him that would satisfy your frustrations.

It didn't take you long to find him, I mean, seriously, did he ever leave his lab? With a quiet but deep breath, you stepped inside and spoke quietly. "Hey.."

Immediately, you could see Senku tense up completely before muttering some semblance of a greeting and focusing back on his work, much more aggressively than necessary, you noted.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you about this last week."

"What about it?"

"Why have you been so aggressive lately? I mean, did I do something wrong? If I did, why won't you just talk to me instead of taking your frustrations out on me?" As you spoke, you took steps toward him before stopping beside him, watching him fight with himself.

"I could ask the same of you." His voice was near venom, though you didn't flinch, given that he had been using the same tone with you for the last week.

You sighed softly before placing a hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense even more under your touch. You sat there for a moment, feeling the energies flowing deep within him and coming off of him. You picked up hints of confusion and curiosity but what you mostly felt was anger and sadness and frustration. None of these emotions made sense to you: why would he be so aggravated? You haven't done anything wrong that you could think of. You understood the sadness well given the state of the entire world was currently in so you didn't dwell on it much.

You slowly dropped your hand from his shoulder to his own hand, gently removing him from the chemicals and forcing him to focus on you. "Senku, please..I don't want us to keep fighting anymore. Please talk to me so we can work something out."

Senku stared at you before sighing and leaning against the opposite wall, letting your hand go in the process. "I'm just..really confused about why Im feeling so..everything." He chuckled a bit, running a hand through his strange hair. "I just wish you would take your job as a fellow chemist more seriously. It's been a pain in the ass doing all of this on my own and now that I finally have someone who understands minerals and herbs and chemicals beyond medicinal use, she ignores me and messes around with everyone else." He frowned as he turned his gaze away, a strange feeling taking over him as his face reddened.

You stared at Senku for a long time, letting the silence drag on before you smiled. "Senku..you should have told me sooner! If I'd have known that you needed me, I would've stopped everything. I'll make sure I check if you need anything before I do anything else, ok?" You smiled softly at him, completely aware that he was also pissed that he couldn't quite understand you.

His eyes shot up to meet yours before he grinned. "You can count on it."

With a small grunt, you pushed off the table and walked over to him, holding a hand out. "So, we all good?"

He stared down at your outstretched hand for a moment before smirking and taking it. "Yeah, we're good."

You grinned widely at him before letting go of his hand. "So, what do you need from me?"

Senku smirked even more as he chuckled sinisterly. "Get excited. You're gonna help me gather minerals and herbs that are actually deadly if ingested."


Anyway, uh, I hope you all enjoy this longer chapter with some angst
Please let me know if there's anything I can improve on!

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