Chapter 42: Run

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Beautiful Chaos 🥀

Beautiful Chaos 🥀

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Chapter 42: Run

While the bartender and some of the people at the bar were all crowded around this man as he gasped for air, Iris and Arthur ran out the back. Iris noticed that no one tried to stop them. They all seemed to glance at Arthur and step back, they were afraid of him. These people were afraid of Arthur Fleck, the very same man Iris used to see cowering on the bus and she could not help but feel a strange mixture of fear and amazement.

"Hey, I'm calling the police!", the angry and disturbed bartender called out to them as they made their quick exit. 

Iris and Arthur ran as fast as they could. Soon the sounds of the bartender yelling and other random people also freaking out and threatening to call the police, were soon gone the further they got away from that bar. 

Iris was quit shocked at how fast and nimble Arthur was as he ran. She even had a hard time keeping up, which surprised her considering how drunk he is. As she ran beside him she could not help but look at him and at how beautiful he looked as he ran. 

While he was running he looked at Iris for a moment and even though she was upset, she couldn't resist the way one corner of his delectable mouth would curve upward, creating that irresistible half smile that made her heart flutter. Before she could smile back, he slipped on a puddle and fell. She almost found it flattering that he found her so captivating that he would stare at her like that, considering the circumstances

"Shit", he breathed.

Iris went to help him up and he stared at her as he was trying to find his breath, his eyes beaming with an intense and obvious fondness. She stared into those glittering eyes of his and instead of shouting, or scolding him like she felt she was supposed to, she did the opposite.


Before he could breath another word, her lips stopped him from uttering anything else and he immediately dived into the immense power of the kiss. He closed his eyes as he moved his mouth in harmony with hers and he nearly whimpered when her tongue ventured inside of his mouth like a devilish snake. Her kiss held such a power over Arthur and he knows that she has no idea, but he would probably throw acid on his own face, if that was the only way he could taste her again and again. There is nothing he wouldn't do for her, except maybe...change his wicked compulsions....

change his wicked compulsions

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