Infinite Dreams and Infinite Nightmares

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Beautiful Chaos 🥀

A/N: This chapter mostly consists of a deeper look into Arthur's past and a couple memories, so I hope you don't mind. Enjoy!

Chapter 46:

Chapter 46:

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Infinite Nightmares 🖤

Arthur was asleep and though his eyes were closed, his eyes were wide open and full fear somewhere else...

He suddenly felt cold rain come pouring down on him and he opened his dreaming eyes. He shakily got up and looked around, but he was in a completely empty plain, except every now and again he would see a shadow or, black silhouette of a woman, but he would only see it for a second before it was gone again. He was starting to feel sick, like he was full of poison.

The strange sky abruptly became dark and he looked up and it was somehow night time. He could see all the stars, as if there was no light pollution, nothing to block their distant, bright presence.. He gazed up, in awe, at the stars and they filled his eyes with their glorious lights.

Arthur was afraid, but at the same time, he was so tired of being nothing, but a tiny moth, trapped underneath a glass. He often thought of death as being that moth trapped in that little glass, but then suddenly...the glass would be lifted and he would finally be able to take flight.

He felt a burning in his stomach and that awful chalky taste coated it again. He felt like he was going to pass out and felt as though he had a fever. He started to hear a horrid, disembodied shriek in the distance, but every time he thought he saw something in the corner of his eye, it would be gone. It sounded as though it was running circles around him and it made him feel a terror in his heart, but yet...he could not feel it beating.

Just when he felt like he might pass out, he suddenly felt something harshly gripping his skinny ankle. He gasped and looked down and to his horror, he saw a black shadowy figure grabbing him, but he soon saw that it was himself. It was him, but he looked like he was a rotting corpse. His eyes were white and he made awful sounds, like he was choking and gurgling. He was hurting his ankle, he was squeezing it so tight.

It makes sense that the monster he saw was himself, causing him pain and distress, very much like his mind causes him deep internal suffering. His soul wanted to fly away. The suffering that he feels unfortunately he has caused as an adult, but only because it had been trained to do so...

Arthur tried to get away, but the creature wouldn't let him go. Arthur felt dizzy and out of breath. He felt it was being sucked out of him. Soon enough, he fell forward onto his stomach and attempted to crawl away from this petrifying version of himself, but he felt so weak and feverish. He felt tears in his eyes, as he still tried to crawl, even though he knew there was no point. His eyes fell shut for a moment, but when he opened them he felt his heart become full, and he gasped as if if he had been held under water, when when he saw Iris, laying next to him on the ground. He felt her hand play with little strands of his wet hair and whisper into his ear, "Please, wake up, my love, now is not the time for dreams"

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