Chapter 60: Three Minutes

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Beautiful Chaos

Chapter 60: Three Minutes

Iris felt tears rising in her eyes as she looked over him, crouched and terrified. She did not really know this man, but it was almost as if she did and always has. She knew him from the bus and remembered she still had his notebook at the bottom of her purse.

It had been sitting on her nightstand for weeks and her racing heart now became full of anguish, just knowing that she held one of his personal possessions in her bag.

He suddenly began to convulse as his abdomen tightly contracted, bringing up some more of the poison in his body. It looked like mostly bile, but she was glad he didn't pass out or, well, die...

She quickly rolled him on his side again, as he trembled and gagged violently.

Iris heard someone shouting and foot steps approaching. It was a police officer.

"Ma'am, what happened?! I heard screaming"

Iris looked at him and just cried, "I think he's taken pills a-and drank...and...he's-he-he has--um...overdosed. He's n-not breathing very w-well...please help him!"

He glanced at the man trembling on the ground and saw it was serious immediately. He immediately started talking into his radio, saying things that just sounded like static to Iris.

"I'm gonna send an ambulance, okay?", he quickly said, moving his mouth away from his radio.

She was always wary of police officers, but this officer was young and had kind eyes. He put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Someone is coming. okay?"

She nodded, and looked back at him, laying on the ground near her. She saw he wasnt moving anymore. She placed a shaky hand to the left side of his slender neck. Her finger pressed slightly on the visible, thick vein that protruded still.

He wasn't breathing.....

She gasped and shouted,"He's not breathing!"

The officer heard her and rushed over. He immediately asked her if she knew how to preform CPR.

"Yes-yes I do...."She whimpered.

He instructed her to do so, and she knodded.

She rolled him on his back, tilted his head back and began to perform cpr.

She pushed on his chest and heard a crack, that made her panic even more, but that didn't stop her. tilted his head back and began to perform CPR.She knew that that happens sometimes. He still wasnt.

She pushed on his chest and heard a crack, that made her panic even more, but that didn't stop her. He still wasn't breathing.

Iris nodded, but continued the cpr, but the limp, body of the man she was trying to save, wasn't responding. She felt for his pulse, but there was none still.

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