Chapter 63: Empathy

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Beautiful Chaos 🌹

Chapter 63: Empathy

Meanwhile, inside of Arkham State Hospital, a 37 year old man was being given his belongings in a brown paper bag and was escorted to the exit after being trapped there for 3 long unnecessary months.

He is 5'8", now 133 lbs, 37 years old,

Patient number: 1298160, male and his name is Arthur Fleck.

"Here are your belonging, and here is the counselor you are to see on the 16th at 4pm, okay?", the RN told him, as he handed him his effects. Arthur glanced up at this stranger for a small moment, mustered a smile, and nodded his head obediently.

"Thank you," he said quietly as he took his things.

Alright then, have a good night then and stay outta trouble, "he said kindly.

Arthur was on numerous medications and a couple of new ones, that made him very groggy, so he found it hard to even laugh lately. His nervous fits of laughter had calmed down, but he also felt hollow. He mostly slept while he was there. He barely ate unless he was forced and refused to get out of his bed. Most days, he was locked up there.

It was also so cold in that damn hospital the whole time he was there that it made him feel ill upon leaving . It seemed the only thing the hospital gave him was more anguish.

He nodded obiently at the man, thanked him again, and walked towards the exit. When he reached the doors, he stared at them, seeing his reflection in the glass, and he felt as though he saw someone else that was not him. It made him feel uncomfortable, so he reached into the paper bag to retrieve his cigarettes. He  another thought, lit it, right inside the building and, with his head lowered, walked out.

Once he walked outside, almost running into the door, he felt the cold wind hit him and he put his jacket on. He pulled his hood over his head and headed to the nearest  stop.

Iris stood at the bridge, staring out at the city lights reflecting off of the pond like a mirky mirror, but she soon felt it was time to go. Her heart seemed to be tugging on her, begging her to stay, but she decided to ignore her heart this time. She walked out of the park, feeling a heavy blanket of sorrow cover her mind in shadow, but walked on nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Arthur took a left on 77th. As he strolled down the street towards 5th avenue, he breathed in the crisp, fresh air, and it felt good. He puffed on his cigarette and gazed up above him, and his wide eyes beheld the astonishing silver light of the full moon. He held the cigarette in his lips but got so distracted by the brilliant, silver orb up above him that it dropped right out of his mouth.

"Shit," he muttered and bent over to pick it up.

The streets were quiet that night, but Arthur's mind was wild and alive like Gotham Square on new Year's Eve: full bright lights and noise everywhere. Every single light that shined in his busy brain and every sound or sight were all bits and pieces of Iris. He could not wipe her from his mind. The sound of her beautifully emotional voice, the warmth of her hand and even though most of that night was a blur, she had planted a precious seed in his rambunctious heart and he could practically feel it sprouting from inside of his chest, like a rose bush.

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