Moving in.

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"Okay...sounds like a plan. By Anne," y/n smiled hanging up the phone.

She set it back on the counter and let the music fill the room. She grabbed the paint brush again and started painting the wall again, getting on a step stole. Harry had gone out to buy plastic covers to cover the bed. They had decided to move in together and they knew it was going to be though. Harry was only in a small bad that got gigs in a bar every once in a while, if that didn't work out he would be working at the gas station. Y/N on the other hand was a college student and waitress. They had met at one of his gigs and eight months later they're sharing a small one bedroom apartment. Harry was embarrassed he couldn't provide as much as he wanted too but he promised her the world. And he knew when he became famous the first thing he would do is buy her, her dream house. A white picket fence and a pool, everything in her pretty little mind.

Harry set down the keys and locked the door. He took the Walmart bag to his room and smiled. Y/N stood on the stole singing softly and painting, she was on her tip toes and Harry crept up behind her. Y/N's foot slipped on paint and she screeched falling back but Harry caught her.

"Surprise," He smiled.

"I almost just died," she pouted as Harry set her down, "did you find the plastic?"

"Yes," Harry leaned down kissing her.

"Great," she giggled, "your mum called she invited us to dinner."

"Hmmm post pone, I want to spend time in our apartment," Harry wrapped his arms around y/n.

Y/N smiled, "our apartment."

"I'm sorry it's not your dream house," he whispered frowning.

Y/N cupped his face, kissing him, "Harry please don't get upset by this. We are young. I wasn't expecting a mansion."

"But you deserve it. And this is a shitty apartment, I'm sure they sell weed down stairs," Harry grumbled, "you deserve the best."

"That's why I have you," y/n smiled, "anywhere you are I'll be happy. As long as we are together."

Harry smiled kissing her and y/n wrapped her arms around his neck. Harry lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, he bumped her against the wall and she broke away laughing.

"The walls wet!" She giggled.

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