Personal for Angel

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Angel held Harry's hand as they walked into the store. Harry's Bluetooth in his ear and he was trying to speak quietly and quickly.

"No," Harry grumbled, "I told you I want the blue prints."

A women looked up and Angel dropped his hand smiling at her, "Angel and Harry Styles', we're here for cake testing at three."

"Ah yes, Dorian is ready for you. Go ahead," the lady pointed to the door and Angel turned to Harry.

He held up a slime finger and mouthed I'll meet you in. Angel frowned but walked in anyhow. Dorian smiled at started pointing to the try that held bite size pieces.

"So this is the vanilla one that you requested, but with the butterscotch frosting," Dorian explained and handed Angel some.

Angel took it and popped it in her mouth, her face scrunched up, "hm. I don't think butterscotch is my thing," she crinkled her nose.

"Where's the groom?" Dorian asked holding the second cake bit.

As if on cue Harry strolled in, device still in his ear and he took the sample, "it's okay," he muttered, "no. No not you. I was talking to Angel."

Dorian gave her an apologetic look and handed the second sample. Angel held it but looked down. Tears pooling at her eyes and she turned muttering an excuse me. She ran out and to the car sitting in the BMW and closing her eyes. Seconds later Harry was sitting in the drivers seat.

"Woah. Baby what's wrong," Harry took off his blue tooth setting it down.

Angel frowned, "don't touch me, you don't even care about this wedding. I've been doing all the work and it's stressful and you don't care," she cried.

"Hey," Harry whispered cupping her face, "I do care. What's wrong?"

"You're always working and you haven't helped with the wedding, you weren't even paying attention," she whimpered.

Harry pressed a kiss to her lips, "I'll disconnect for the next two days. Come on. Let's go back in there," he said, "okay?"

She nodded and he kissed her once more, "lets go my wife."

Sorry it's short. I've never done one like this.

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