You're Jealous

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He wasn't really sure how it got so bad. Ever since the album release she had been distant and he felt it. He was so excited for the world to hear it, but more importantly for her to hear it. Her opinion mattered the most and then his and then the world. Harry wasn't sure when things went wrong. He had a weekend at home before flying to LA but instead he went to visit her.

She was happy he came, but also upset. Because every time she looked at him she saw the beautiful dark haired girl. She couldn't help it as soon as the song came out she looked her up. Townes, she was beautiful and smart, and just like her loved to be private, so she couldn't snoop too much. And while she was annoyed by the girl she didn't hate her, it's not her fault Harry wrote the song, it's not her fault that the song is so catchy, it's not her fault at all.

Jealousy and sadness had been eating away at her. She just couldn't understand how Harry could write something like that. She's all I think about? She was his girlfriend yet Townes got the song, Townes filled his mind apparently, and it bugged her. She understood it was a song, and she really wouldn't have minded if it weren't for that one damn line, 'how do I tell her she's all I think about?'

"Y/N," Harry sighs, walking into the living room where she is curled up, laptop on her lap, glasses on her face, mug on the table behind her.

She looks up from her screen, "how was the run?" she asked.

"You need to tell me what's wrong, I can't go away for a week knowing you're upset with me," Harry says, "it'll eat me up, love, please talk to me."

"I'm not upset," she lies, looking back down at her screen.

Harry closes the laptop, sliding it on to his lap and she frowns, "well now I'm slightly annoyed Harry."

"Talk to me," he pleads, "please. I can't keep thinking about this."

"Funny, thought I wouldn't be floating around in your mind," she retorts, "figured there would be no room for me with Townes being all you think about."

Harry pressed his lips in a line trying not to laugh but he couldn't help it. The laugh escapes his lips, "you're jealous of a song I wrote?"

"No Harry I'm upset," she stated, standing, "but I'm glad you find it so amusing."

"Don't be upset-"

"How can I not be Harry? You took the time to put her name in, you claim she's all you think about, this is one of your favorite songs to write! How am I not supposed to be upset about the fact that you claim to think about someone else all the damn time!" She snapped, tears pooling in her eyes.

"You said you didn't want me to write about you," Harry stated, "you made it very clear."

"It doesn't mean you can write a damn love song about this other girl and how you can't stop thinking about her! How would you like it if I did that?" she said, hands bawled into a fist.

"It's a song-"

"A song that means something to you, something you wrote from your heart," she cried, "don't you get that?"

"It's a lyric y/n, it means nothing," Harry says.

But he's calm, he's too calm. She doesn't like how casual he is about this.

"I just don't believe that, you're a private person Harry and you expose her, clearly you wanted her to hear and you wanted the world to know," she whispered. Harry watched as she marched up the stairs, slamming the door behind her.

She laid in bed, covers pulled over her body, eyes on the window. She hated feeling this way, she did. She wanted to do nothing but support him but with this song she just couldn't. She couldn't get Townes out of her head, she couldn't get the thought of the two of them together.

"Y/N please," Harry says from the doorway, voice soft, "she's nothing but a friend. And if you don't even want me to be friends with her I won't-I'll delete her number, I-I'll-oh I don't know-I'll find a way to remove the song. I don't care y/n, just tell me."

"No," she says, "don't delete it."

"Well then what?"

She's silent and he moves over to the bed, "baby, look at me, look at me," he repeats until she finally sets her gaze on him.

His eyes are soft, a small smile on his lips, "she meant something a long time ago, she did. But when I met you she didn't compare, I didn't think of her in that way anymore okay? You're who I love, you're who I want, not Townes, not Taylor, not anyone else, just you," he whispered.


"I'm not done," he says, "yes I wrote that lyric, but that's not true, and yes I put her name in the song but it meant nothing. If you want I can cut her out of my life-"

"No," she says, "don't do that. She's a nice girl."

"Not as nice as you," Harry says softly, nudging her nose with his, "I'm sorry, I really am."

"Maybe I overreacted-"

"I think I would've been the same way," Harry mumbles, kissing her jaw, "I would go insane if I thought you liked someone else."

His lips come up to the corner of her mouth, "insane," he repeats, kissing her.

"I really am sorry kitten," he whispered, "I wasn't thinking."

"'s okay," she smiled softly.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, hands reaching to her waist.

"Yes," she promised.

His hands start digging into her side lightly, a laugh escaping her lips, "Harry!" she laughed, her hands coming on top of his, "stop."

She moves around until she's able to push his hands away, "I really am sorry," they both say the same time.

"It's okay," she assured him.

"And you didn't overreact," Harry smiled, "now get dressed we have a dinner to attend."

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