Part Two

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"Where's Y/N?" Gemma asked, as she stepped out of the car.

The day had been tense. By the time Gemma and Anne woke up Harry was in the kitchen. He kissed her on the cheek and she was out the door with a bag in her hand, a bag that Gemma knew costed a semester of college. When Anne brought it up Harry shut it down, 'my house, my rules, treat her and talk about her the way you wish to be treated,' he reminded them.

After some convincing Harry went out with them. They walked the streets of LA, and enjoyed their time. She wasn't brought up and the tension seemed to fade.

"Yes why isn't y/n spending time with us," Anne says, her tone full of disgust as she said her name, "is she out shopping?"

Harry takes in a deep breath, trying to remain calm, "I thought it might be best if my family wasn't down her throat all the time so she picked up an extra shift," Harry answered.

"She works?" Anne asked, shock clear in her voice.

"Mum," Harry says, "if you're going to talk about her it will be in a nice way. She is my girlfriend, I love her. I see a future with her, and I will not have her run off because of you guys."

"You won't get my blessing," Anne says firmly.

"They hate me, they literally hate me," she says into the phone as she walks into her house.

She shuts the door behind her and tosses her keys on to the small table. She loved seeing Harry when she came home from work, but she was thankful to see the range rover out of the drive way today.

"I'm sure they don't hate you," Sarah says into the phone, and she was just glad that someone in Harry's life liked her.

"They do, you should've heard what they were saying yesterday," she sighs, "and my car broke down today. I had to have Stan pick me up and drive me to work and the drop me off at home."

"Where's your car now?"

"In the shop, it's going to cost me over fifteen hundred to get it fixed," she says, walking to the kitchen and grabbing some of the left over cookies, "I had to borrow money from my parents, and now I'm working doubles for the next three months so I can pay them back. And I know once Harry sees me working more he's going to snoop."

"Just tell him," Sarah says.

"No way, I can't he'll want to fix it or buy me a new car, and a new car would be nice but I'm not ready to give up Vicky and she's still useful."

"Not really, this is the forth time you've gone to get her fixed, if Harry knew he would be mad," Sarah responds.

"I know," she groans, hoping on the stool.

"What are you going to tell Harry? Won't he notice the missing car."

"I'm still trying to figure it out," she sighs, "maybe if I'm lucky Harry won't even notice."

"Notice what?" Harry asked, shrugging off his jacket as he walks in with his mother and sister, his eye brow is raised.

"I'll call you later Sarah," she says.

"Okay cool, bye."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about," she says, "how was your day?"

"It was fine," Gemma answered, "Harry showed us around, it's a shame you couldn't join us."

She doesn't sound sarcastic or rude and Harry smiled softly, "maybe we can all go out tonight?" Gemma asked, "I would really like to get to know you."

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Y/N responds, taken back, "but I picked up another shift at the diner and I have to be back in three hours."

"What? Why?" Harry asked, "was it your car? I didn't see it out there. I told you it was a piece of crap, how much is it to get fixed?"

"Don't worry about it," she sighed.

"I'm worried if that means you're going to be out all the time to try and pay it off when it will break down again," Harry frowned, "I can help."

"Of course you can," Anne says, "just buy her the car shop."

She frowns, hoping off the stool, "I'm really trying to not be rude Mrs. Twist," she says, "but I do love your son and I don't love him for his money."

"I don't believe it," Anne says, "and just as I told Harry you won't be getting my blessing."


"I'm sorry Harry," she says, "I love you, I really do and you know that, but I can't be the reason you don't get along with your mom."

"Y/N," Harry says, turning to her, his heart dropping, "please don't."

"I can't Harry," she shakes her head, "I just-I can't. I need to go."

She shoves past them, the door shutting behind her. Harry turns to Anne, his mother stands, looking at just where she stood.

"This is your fault," Harry seethed, "this is all your fault!"

"Harry it's for the best-"

"No!" Harry yelled, "she wasn't after my money, she wasn't after my fame! Y/N and I dated for six months before she even considered coming out in public with our relationship! Y/N was struggling with thousands of dollars to owe to a college and I helped her because I love her! I helped her because it meant she could pick up less shifts and be with me! Y/N has done nothing wrong, all she has done is love your son! She didn't see me as the media portrayed me. The same media that called your son a womanizer, the same media that claimed I slept with thousands of girls, the same media that tries to tear me apart, you've seen what they can do!"


"Yes I paid off her loans, but she had most of them paid off, yes I bought this house but half the stuff in this house she has paid for! And yes I bought her a car because she always has that piece of garbage she calls a car in a shop. If roles were switched and she had a higher income I know she would do the same for me, but you just can't accept that!" Harry yelled, "and now you've gone and driven away the one women who could put up with me. The one women who didn't care about the Harry Styles, but cared about me."

"I'm sorry," Anne whispered, tears in her own eyes.

"It's a little late for that," he snapped.

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