Punk Harry mini series - you're sick-

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 Harry didn't get it. He didn't understand how someone could be so kind, so warm, so beautiful. He didn't understand how she was so smart yet so stupid. She had a future she was in college, she was studying and working towards her dreams, yet she spent her time with him. She spent her nights at his place, she spent nights worrying about him when he was gone.

Harry was amazed. He was amazed at how big her heart is, how she always wanted him to be happy. He was amazed at how just loved everyone and everything. He was amazed at how she could find a positive spin on just about anything.

He loved coming home and seeing her cooking, or sleeping, or studying. He loved watching her sit at the table, her eyes fighting to stay opened as she studied. He loved watching her cooking and singing to herself. Every little thing he found himself more and more in love.

"Hi kitten," he whispered as he spotted her at the small table that sat in the kitchen.

He hated that he couldn't offer her more, he hated that he had to worry if the doors were locked at night. He hated that the only place he could afford was a one bedroom in the scariest part of town. He hated that he couldn't buy her a house like she deserved. A house with a pool and a white picket fence, a house that has a basement, a house with stairs. A house that didn't have mice running around.

She sat at the table, her head laying on her textbook, her eyes closed. The eyes Harry had grown to love, the eyes that light up every time he walked in a room. The eyes that gave him such a warm welcoming look every time she saw him.

"Kitten," he whispered softly, gently brushing the hair from her face.

Her cheeks were soft and slightly warm, he pressed his hand on her forehead it was warmer than usual. He frowned, he had seen her coughing and sneezing, her appetite decreasing. He kept telling her she was getting sick and every time she would tell him that she never gets sick.

"Hi," her warm angelic voice filled his ears. She shifted, lifting her head up and rubbing her eyes. Her eyes met his, lighting up as they usually did. She gives him a small smile and he can tell she's tired.

"You're sick," Harry says, kneeling down in front of her.

"'m not," she mumbled, her smile fading, "just a little tired."

"And why is that?" He asked.

"I had lab today," she answered, and Harry knew how much she just hated the three hour class, "and my partner didn't do anything, and I had two quizzes and an essay, a-and my shift was so long. It's so cold outside as well."

She yawns and Harry chuckled, "y/n," he sighs, he hardly every called her by her name, it was usually kitten or love sometimes a babe, but usually it was a nickname.

"Harold," she teased.

"You're sick, c'mon," he mumbled standing and helping her up.

"Only a little lap," she frowned, "do you have to work tonight?"

He did, he really needed to extra shift. He was fighting to make ends meet. He needed the bill to be paid, the rent, the heat had gone up as winter kept approaching, and he had been saving for the ring. It was expensive but when he walked by the shop he could see her. He could see her wearing it, he could see her in the diamond. But the ring was worth at least two years of rent and he had been saving up for a good year now. He was almost there, picking up more shifts, getting a second job.

"I do, I'm sorry love," he says, helping her into bed.

He pulls the blanket over her shivering body and watches her frown. All she wanted was to rest and lay with him all day.

"But it's snowing pretty badly," she whispered, worried. The roads were all icy and it was hard to see, the thought of Harry being out there made her worry.

"I'll be okay, it's only four hours."

"Let me go with you," she says.

"No, no, no," Harry shakes his head.

He lays her down and lays next to her, pulling her close. She sighed, resting her head on his chest and Harry could feel her warm forehead. "I'll be back when you wake up," he promises.

His shift had gone by slow, no one really showing up the bar. The moment his boss offered him the chance to leave early he was out the door. When he reached the apartment he locked the door behind him. His heart broke at the sight in front of him. She was kneeled in front of the toilet, holding her hair back as whatever she had eaten left her.

"Oh kitten," he sighed, grabbing her hair and rubbing her back softly.

Tears pulled at her eyes and she sniffled wiping her mouth, "you're home early," she mumbled.

"Couldn't leave you alone," he says as she flushes the toilet, standing.

He lets go of her hair and she brushes her teeth, "you're burning up," harry chuckled as she walked to the bed.

She lays in it, wrapping herself in the blanket, "I missed you," he hums changing into a pair of sweat pants and taking off his shirt.

"hmm missed you too," she mumbles, her eyes closing, "do you work tomorrow?"

"No," Harry crawls into bed laying besides her and shes quick to wrap herself up closer to him. She drapes a leg over him, her head on his chest, and arm draped over his torso. "You have me all to yourself."

"I like that," she says, "love you."

Her breathing slows down as she falls asleep. He enjoyed the little moments like this. He enjoyed keeping her close. He enjoyed the times were it was just the two of you.

"I love you so much," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

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