Part Three

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Harry sat at the dinning table, a cup of whisky in front of him. His long pale fingers gripped the glass. He had only had a couple, he wasn't much of a drinker but getting lost in the glass was better than getting lost in a bar where camera's would be. He hadn't moved from the spot in the last couple of hours, every time Anne and Gemma hoped he would be done, but he wasn't.

"He's so sad," Gemma frowns, pulling her suitcase out from under the bed, Anne sits in a chair, her eyes on the ground, "you should apologize mum."

"He's already upset with me," Anne shakes her head, "the damage is done."

"You were too harsh on her," Gemma sighed, "I was too, we should've been nicer."

"He's had his heart broken too many times, that Haley girl, and Jen, they all used him and left him so heart broken," Anne says.

She thinks back to Harry's past relationships. She never met Taylor, and Kendall was nice, but they both agreed it wouldn't work out. Then came Tess, that ended quicker than it started, then Haley showed up. Harry was happy, buying her gifts, showering her in money, and he found her four months later in some other man's bed.

Along came Jen, she did some damage. She had taken so much from Harry, his time, his love, his money, and his happiness. Anne remembered reading it on twitter, Jen's texts were exposed, texts where she stated all she cared about was the money and fame. Harry didn't leave his house for days, he promised to never date again, until Y/N came along.

Anne remembered how excited he was telling her the story of how they met. She was working in her small diner, she had the overnight shift, eleven pm to seven am. Her books were scrambled on the counter, notes everywhere, it was just her and the chef. Harry was hungry and when he googled a place to eat at three am it was the first to pop up, he figured it was nice and no one at this time would be there, but there she was.

He sat across from her, asking her questions. She was so tired from working and studying she couldn't even pin point where she had seen him before, and when she did she got all nervous. So nervous she started stuttering and he noticed her hands shaking, but she tried to hide it.

Harry helped her with her flashcards, and ended up staying there all night talking to her. She asked him if he went to college what he would do, and he asked her what she was studying. Something about her made him feel normal, it made him feel happy. And for the next month anytime he had an hour or so he went to visit her. And Anne liked how happy her son sounded, but when the news leaked how he paid her tuition she quickly disliked Y/N.

"Apologize to her," Gemma says, "give them your approval."

Before Anne can respond they hear the door shut downstairs, "Y/N, baby, you're back," they hear Harry say.

He struggles to stand from the table but he does. Y/N is a mess, her make up smudged, her cheeks pink and puffy, her hair is in a pony tail, "I just-well I don't have anywhere to go, I'll leave in the morning," she says softly.

She looks drained, "how did you get back?" Harry asked, rushing towards her.

"I walked," she responds, stepping away from him, "I'll take the spare room."

"No, please, we can work through this," Harry begs, tears in his own eyes.

He embraces her, his arms tight, not wanting to let go. He can smell the fries and coffee off of her uniform, and she can smell the whisky on his breath. She's tense in his arms, not relaxed as she usually is.

"Harry I can not come in between you and your family," she says softly, "I'm sorry."

Upstairs Gemma closes the door, but her and Anne have their ears pressed against it, listening, "you need to go down there and fix this," Gemma whispered.

"Please Y/N," Harry says.

She shakes her head, pulling away and making her way to the stairs, "I want to marry you," Harry yelled, making her freeze, making Anne and Gemma's jaw drops.


"I want to marry you, I was going to wait till you finished school because I wanted you to be focused on your career, not a wedding, not more fans, not the media. But I want you. I see my life with you, I see myself waking up next to you, I see our kids, I see us being old, I see it Y/N. I do," he says, walking towards her.

"And when you left today I felt empty, not the empty I did with the others, but a cold and dark empty. I didn't see you anymore and that hurt, I can't-I mean I know I can live without you, but it won't be the same. I'll be breathing, I'll be living, but I won't be alive," he adds, "don't you want to marry me?"

"I can't-"

"That wasn't the question."

She sighs, her eyes closing, "of course I want to marry you. I love you, I wouldn't care if you had a dollar to your name, I wouldn't care if you didn't pay for anything, I couldn't care less if you were Harry Styles from One Direction, I care about you, I love you. But I know how much your family loves you Harry and you will regret this later on when your mother won't come to the wedding, when you want to have an event and your family won't be in the same room as me, and I can't do that to you."

"Things change," he pleads, coming to a full stop in front of her, "don't leave me."

"Don't leave him," Anne says through the door, she pulls it open, taking in the sight of her son.

Harry's eyes are red and he's standing in front of Y/N, his hand wrapped around her wrist. "I was rude, and judgmental, and it was not okay the way I treated you," Anne stated, "but after his past girlfriends I was scared. I was scared of getting that call again, I was scared of him getting further away from love, from happiness."

Anne's own eyes start to water, "I'm sorry Y/N, I was looking out for him, in the wrong approach, but I was. But you've done nothing wrong, and if you take him back I promise to open my heart up to you, I promise to take a step to know you, the real you, not what the damn media writes."

"It's okay," Y/N wipes her eyes, "I understand what those other girls did, but I'm not them. I love Harry so much, and I would never even think about hurting him."

"Then please," Anne begs, "don't go, please."

Y/N looks over at Harry, "I'll stay," she says.

"Really?" Harry asks.

Y/N nods, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "yeah," she smiled.

Harry picks her up causing her to laugh, burying her face in his shoulder, "I'm sorry," Anne says once she has her feet back on the ground, "if Harry loves you this much you must be amazing."

"She's pretty great," Harry says, a smile on his face as he kisses her cheek.

"Why don't we all go to bed, it's been a long day. Do you work tomorrow y/n?" Gemma asked, leaning against the door.

"No," y/n answered.

"Well why don't we all go for brunch?" Anne asked, "you can tell us about yourself."

"I would love that," Y/N nods, her hand squeezing Harry's nervously.

"Thank you," Harry says to his mum, "for opening up."

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