His Friends Don't like you Pt 2

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Not gonna lie I didn't plan on doing a part two so it's short and simple.

                You had spent the last week avoiding Harry's call and texts. He would show up at your dorm and your roommate would lie for you. You had spent the week hiding out in the library using their computers and studying. Every time you walked into the library you were annoyed, you were annoyed of the hike across campus you had to make. You were annoyed at Harry, his friends. You were tired and just wanted to sleep so you packed up and headed back to your dorm. Your trip was cut short as you spotted harry on the quad.

"What are you doing here?" You frown as you walk towards your hall, Harry walking right behind you.

He holds a bag walking with you, "I brought you your new laptop," he says.

You turn grabbing it, "thank you."

You keep walking and he grabs your arm turning you around, "what," you snapped turning to face him.

He's tired and you can tell, "I'm sorry love," he whispered, "really I am. I know my friends are asses and I promise you they won't be an issue."

"They won't because we aren't together anymore," I retorted.

"Babe," Harry pleads, "Please."


"I've never had a girlfriend," Harry admits and you stop talking, "I've never felt the need to defend the girl I've spent the night with. I didn't care if the guys broke her phone or told her to leave, I really didn't. But now I do, I care about you. I could care less about them and I know that's crazy because I've only known you for a couple of months but it's true. I would take you sitting at the bar studying over hanging out with them any day of the week."


"I'm not done," he says, "I just. I want another chance y/n, I promise you that you will not regret it. Please baby."

I smiled, my cheeks feeling a bit warm and I rest my head against his. He grins, "you don't have to give up your friends," I giggled, "but just please tell them to stop being rude."

"Sound like a deal to me."

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