Halloween Gone Wrong

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I set down my keys on the table and turned on the lights. It was four. Halloween officially started at seven and I still needed to change and set out the food.

"Harry! Honey!" I yelled dropping the bags on the island, I saw his car outside but all the lights were off.

I sighed and found a note on the fridge.

Baby I stopped by Niall's to get the lights! And give him a ride. Be home by five!

- All my love your best husband. And your only. Hopefully.

I rolled my eyes and tossed the note in the trash. I started pulling things out of the bags when I heard something fall from upstairs. Misty, the cat, meowed from next to me. I ignored it thinking it was one of the lights but I heard the floor creek. My heart started racing and I grabbed the knife.

"Hello?" Fuck. Wrong move. The killer knows I'm here. I'm dead.

I start heading towards the door, seeing Misty running there. Bitch.

The power suddenly shuts down and I hear the door slam, I scream. "Harry is that you? It's not funny."

I hear something break and I grip the knife tighter pressing my body against the wall. I can hear the floor creek.

"Harry seriously, if this is you stop," I hissed.

The tears welled up in my eyes as I heard something else shatter and Misty meow. I covered my mouth and suddenly someone jumped out covered in a black mask. I quickly stuck my hand out with the knife hitting them in the leg.

"Fuck!" An Irish accent yelled.

I let go as the lights turned on, "shit y/n it was a joke!" Harry yelled grabbing the phone.

My hands flew to my mouth, "I thought you-oh my god Niall. Okay move your hands," I bend down wiping my eyes.

Niall closed his eyes, "shit. I think I'm dying. I see the light."

"The powers back on idiot," Harry grumbled and then turned back to the lady on the phone.

"Fucking hell y/n. You stabbed me," Niall groaned, "and you almost stabbed my baby maker."

"I'm sorry," I cried.


"Why are you laughing?" I hissed at Harry as we sit next to Niall in his hospital bed.

"You stabbed Niall," Harry hid his grin.

I shook my head, "you can't be mad at us. You stabbed me!" Niall hissed.

"I almost had a panic attack. Stress is bad for the baby, I thought you were going to kill me," I said, "I'm not apologizing. You're lucky I didn't get you in the face."

"Baby I'm sorry," Harry tried to touch my arm but I shook him off.

"Hey. It's okay. Stable," Niall tried to joke.

I looked away, "I'm glad you're okay," I whispered.

"Come on," Harry laced his fingers with mine, "lets go home."

"Be careful man. You might be next."

"Nah I won't let her butch it all up," Harry winked.

"I hate you guys."

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