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"Alright y/n," Louis tipped the beer and pointed at her.

Y/N shifted in the pool as she laid on the raft. She was careful not to tip over, she couldn't swim. The raft sunk a little and then popped up.

"What, you know if you get caught in the pool with that they'll yell at you," she warned.

"Shush child, that life guard is mostly interested at girls then what I drink," Louis stated, "oi! Niall!"

Niall jumped in swimming over and holding on to the edge where Louis was setting his beer down, "hey man, hey y/n," Niall winked at her.

Y/N opened her magazine once again, "what brings you to the eleven feet side," Niall teased swimming over and grabbing her magazine.

"The suns over here," Y/N grabbed it once more from his hands, "and I was hopping to stay warm."

She flipped it over and Niall pouted, "give me some attention well you?"

"No," Y/N laughed, she flipped a page and kept reading, "I tend to find Bruce Jenner more interesting."

"Mate will you come get a beer with me?" Louis called lifting himself up and out of the water.

Niall patted her raft and turned following Louis. Y/N panicked turning, "you can't leave me here!" She said sitting and the ends of the raft popped up.

"Just stay still. Lay down again," Niall called, "relax. It's just five minutes."

Y/N struggled hitting the sides of the pink raft and she shrieked as she felt herself flip over. She slide down and she started flapping her arms widely. She kicked and kicked until she felt a pair of strong arms around her waist pulling her up. Y/N wrapped her arms around the hero and started coughing widely.

"Hey. Hey shhh it's okay I've got you," The deep voice assured as he took her to the two feet and then sat her down.

Y/N clutched her chest as she coughed, "it's alright," he patted her back.

Y/N looked up meeting his green eyes, "you okay? I'm Harry," he said, "the lifeguard."

His hair was wet and matted against his face, he ran his hands through it pushing it back, "thank you," y/n coughed out, "I'm y/n."

"Holy shit y/n," Louis set down his drink, "we told you to sit still. Uh shit. Don't tell mum and dad. They'll kill me."

Y/N rolled her eyes and Harry helped her up, "I think-I'm just going to-I'm going up to my room."

"Come on, I'll help you, my shifts over," Harry smiled.

Y/N blushed as he handed her a towel, "thanks."

"No problem, it's my honor," he gave her a small smile and slipped on his life guard jacket waving to the girl who was now in his seat.

"My head hurts. Is that normal?" She asked him.

Harry nodded at her and they set out walking, "I know this is pushing it. But maybe we could go for dinner."

"Well you did just save my life," y/n laughed nudging him, "I would like that Harry."

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