Personal for Aleksandra

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Placing the stack of papers on my desk I sighed. I tucked my hair behind my ears. One year. It's been three year since he walked out on me. I didn't know why. I didn't understand. We were perfectly happy. Or so I thought. Every day when I came home he would kiss me and we would laugh while we cooked. Everything was perfect, until one day I came home and he left me. He said he couldn't do it any more and he was gone.

Ever since I haven't dated. Up until tonight I had a date with a friend Dan, we were both going to the opening of our new building. Vogue was expanding and we proud to be a part of it.

"Alyssa," I called for my assistant.

She came in, hands clamped together and a forced smile on her face, "what can I get for you?"

"I need all these folders labeled, I printed out a list and what goes in what. Then this file needs to be sent to Jason on floor three, it's the final copy of the new article so make sure he gets it by tonight," I say, "when that's done you're free."

She nods and I grab my purse, undoing my hair and letting it fall. I start walking to the elevator and when I press the button and wait I fish for my keys. The doors slid open and my heart drops, he stands there. His eyes on me and a blond tugs on his arm.

"Come on Harry, we have the meeting now," she says.

I break eye contact, not being able to let him see me. I step in the elevator and hold the close doors button. It seems like ages but the doors slide together and I press the L button. My heart is beating fast, but I shake my head. It can't be him. It wasn't him. When I read the magazine I saw that he was in Japan with his band.

I cleared my mind and got ready for the event. When I got there I saw Dan and smiled, he placed his hand on my back and kissed my cheek.

"I got you a glass of Chardonnay, I wasn't sure what you wanted. But this is what was given around," Dan said.

"That's fine," I kiss his cheek back taking the glass, "thank you."

"Did you hear Harry Styles is here?" Dan asked, "he's going to be featured in out next shoot and he's donated a great amount of money for our next company."


So it was him. I looked up to see him. Harry walked in through the door, the same young blond smiling on his arm. She started leading him towards us and I handed my drink to Dan as Harry's eyes met mine.

"I-I need to use the lady's room. Excuse me," I whispered turning and running to the restrooms. I closed the door and pressed my back against it.

Breathe Alekandra. Breathe.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't spend the night enjoying myself with him here. I grabbed my clutch and made my way to Dan who was talking to Harry.

"Here's she is!" Dan smiled.

"Uh Dan I'm so sorry, but something personal came up and I-I need to leave. My uh-cat got hit by a car," I lied.

"Shit. Uh-go I'll drive you-"

"No. No. Don't worry, the cat is just...damn those traffic jam," I let out a nervous laugh, I kissed his cheek, "Mr. Styles. Ms?"

"Ms. James," the blond smiled, "I'm Harry's publicist. Thank you guys once again for letting help."

I nodded and pushed my way through the crowd. I step outside waving my arm for a taxi until I feel a hand on my waist, I turn and Harry's looking down at me.

"Don't go," he whispered.

"I recall saying that once to you," I retort stepping back and hauling a taxi.

The car stops in front of me and I start to get in but Harry gets in next to me.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking back then," Harry admitted.

"And you're thinking now?"

"I just, management wanted me to be single. It'll boost up my career and I was young and foolish. We were sixteen Alekandra. I wasn't thinking," Harry placed his hand on my knee.

I gave the taxi driver my address and he started driving, "Harry stop. It's been three years. I'm doing so well for an eighteen year old. I don't need you back."

"A," he whispered squeezing my hand, "I was foolish. I've been dead without you."

I yanked my hand back, "right so what where Taylor swift, Kendall Jenner, Nadine-"

"Management set it up," Harry stated, "I just want you."

"You let them get between us. You were so selfish for fame, you left me without an explanation. You were gone before I came to your place. Anne didn't even know where you went, she let me wait in your room for hours till I gave up."

"I know. I was hurt, I'm sure you suffered most. But please one more chance."

"Why would I do that?" I hissed handing the man twenty dollars and stepping out of the cab.

Harry was quick to follow on my heels. As I waited for the elevator he grabbed my arm, "I'm still so in love with you. I don't want this to ruin us-"

"You already ruined us."

"I love you!" He yelled, "I love you so damn much. I was so fucking stupid and I will never let that happen again," he screamed.

I shook my head, "don't get mad at me you're the one that broke me. You're the one that left. You're the one-"

His lips met mine stopping my small speech. We stumbled into the elevator, his hands on my cheeks holding me still.

A voice cleared their throats and we broke away, "uh. Floor?"

"Three," I blushed.

"This isn't over," Harry whispered.

"You're right," I turned and looked at him, "we still need to talk."

"As long as we can work it out together."

"Of course," Harry nodded.

I gave a small nod smiling, "one last chance," I said.

Harry leaned down and kissed me quickly, "thank you."

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