His Friends Hate You Pt 1

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You slumped down in the booth, your nose scrunching up as the scent of alcohol filled your nose. You were never a big fan of alcohol, sure a Piña colada and mud slide you didn't mind. As long as you couldn't smell or taste the alcohol and it wouldn't get you drunk. Bars where never your seen but you needed a break from studying and the girls on your floor were all going out and invited you. It was your first year of college and you wanted friends, you knew it would be a lonely experience without some.

"Wow," you breathed watching the girl next to you down the clear drink.

She looked back you laughing, "it's just water, I'm not much of a drinker," she giggled sliding closer, "I'm Kelsey."

"Y/N," you respond, shaking her hand.

"What dorm are you in?" She asked, "I'm in 301."

"328," you grinned, "my roommate is Cat," you say pointing to the blonde who was at the bar talking to some guy.

"Mine is the one right there, her name is Lily," she points to a brunette who is currently taking shots like if her life depended on it. "What's your major?"

"Biology and pre-medicine," I say, "you?"

"Math," she shrugs, "it's easy."

I laugh and we keep talking until she nudges me, "okay be cool but the guy at the end with cigarette has been staring at you all night," she says and I look over my shoulder. A tall man stands, leaning against the wall, his arms covered in ink, multiple art designs spread throughout his arms. His pink lips supported a cigarette and his green eyes were on me. The bartender yells at him and he rolls his eyes stepping on the little bud.

"I told you to be cool," Kelsey laughs, hitting my arm gently.

"I think he's looking at you," I say, blushing.

"I wish," Kelsey frowns, "I've always had a thing for tattoos."

"I never did," I shrug.

She laughs and we keep talking. "Come pee with me," Cat suddenly appears, I can tell she's a little drunk, "please."

"Excuse me," I tell Kelsey and stand helping the blonde, "please don't puke in our room."

"I'll try," my roommate says, a small hiccup leaving her plump red lips, "Jane was telling me about her roommate and how terrible she is and I'm so happy I have you."

"Thanks," I laugh as she stumbles in the bathroom and I stand outside the door.

"Hey," a deep voice says behind me and I turn to see one of the guys in my building, "I'm on your floor. I'm Luke."

"Y/N" you smiled.

He's clearly very drunk and stumbling as he walks towards you, "you okay?" you ask as he stumbles on to you, causing you to fall into the wall. You try to prop him up.

He chuckled supporting himself on the wall, "you're pretty," he whispered he leans closer and you move back.

"Don't," you warn.

"Sorry," he mumbles and then leans over vomiting on your shoes.

You shriek feeling the cold puke fall on your feet. Some of it splattered on your legs and you take a deep breath in, suddenly he's shoved to the side as he keeps vomiting on the floor. Your eyes closed as you try to imagine it was only water the drunk boy had spilled on you.

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