Punk Series - Engagement -

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"I'm back," She smiled, her face lights up, her hands up by her chest as she clapped, jumping up and down in her spot, "no more school for a month."

Winter break. Her favorite break, no school for a month, holidays lined up, snow. It was everything she loved in a month. She loved the weather, she loved how everyone was always giving, she loved the smile on people's faces.

Harry chuckled, the sight was unbelievably cute for him. She slipped of her jacket, her bump was small she was only three months along. It was hidden under her university sweater, but when she reached up to place her jacket on the hook her sweater rode up slightly, allowing him to see her small bump.

"I totally failed my history exam," she says walking to the couch Harry sat in, kissing his cheek and sitting down, "I hate history. Macey asked to get dinner Friday night we I will do that and then head to your match, then we can get a second dinner because I'm eating for two. How was your day?"

"It was great," Harry laughed at her, she grabbed the last cookie on Harry's plate and ate it.

"I'm so hungry," she says, the cookie stuffed in her mouth.

Harry looked at her, his eyes full of love. He adored her and she was his whole world. Anything she wanted he would try his best to get. He just wanted her to be happy and each day he tried to understand just how lucky he was.

"I've made something special," Harry said.

Her eyes light up and she smiled, "what?"

"You're current favorite," Harry says, standing and holding his hand out.

She grabs it as he helps her up, placing a kiss on lips. She smiled into it, "you're my favorite," she giggled.

"Funny," Harry smiled, leading her into the dining room.

She grins, taking a seat and waiting for Harry but he doesn't sit, he stands next to her. "Are you going to sit and eat because I'm really hungry and I will eat both our plates."

"Y/N," Harry says, taking in a shaky breath.

"Hey," she frowns, "are you okay?"

Harry nods, kneeling down next to her, "y/n. I know I can't afford giving you the world and we got lucky with this house. I know I won't be able to take you out all the time, I know I won't be able to buy you everything you need, I do. But I will try, I will try for you and for our little one. I will do everything I can to even try and get what your heart wants. I don't know how I got so lucky with you, I don't," Harry chuckled nervously, "I love you so much. This is long over due, I've been working so much to get you this and I can only hope you will accept it, y/n will you marry me?"

Her eyes widen at the ring in front of her. The tears pooling at her eyes and her hands cover her mouth as she nods, "yes, yes, of course a million times yes," she cried, wrapping her arms around Harry.

He chuckled, catching her and spinning her around, "now this might be a little small because my fingers are starting to get swollen," she says as he places it on her finger.

"Perfect," Harry says.

"I would've accepted a ring pop," she giggled, hugging him, "I love you so much Harry."

"Forever and always," Harry responded. 

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