(BOTW) Teba

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Requested: Wattpad user Acryilic-the-Fairy
Summary: Bird husband.
Sorry this one took a while to get out, had a bit of a writers block.
He's not gonna be married in this AU, btw-

* This man will protect you with his life.

* Honestly though, this man is protective to the max.

* He's not exactly clingy, he's just by your side at almost every hour of the day so he can ensure you're safe.

* If you express any distress or discomfort of him being around you too much, though, he'll simply stalk you when you don't want him around you, making you think you're alone.

* He has no trouble communicating with you, and if anything is upsetting him, he'll voice it to you. He'll tell you when he feels suspicious of someone, if he feels like something is too dangerous for you, that kind of stuff.

* Highly doubt anyone will talk bad about you. After all, Teba is a highly respected, skilled Rito warrior.

* If they do insult you, however, a single glare from your Rito partner should be enough to scare them away.

* Anyone who threatens you will be threatened right back, and those who are brave/foolish enough to try to go through with those treats may or may not end up missing the next day without a trace, and you'll notice that Teba seems a bit tired the next day.

* He was just a bit busier last night than usual. Rito warrior duties, you know? Don't worry yourself too much.

* Is not really one for displaying public affection.

* It's not that he's ashamed to have you as a partner, of course not! You're the best s/o he could ask for. He simply won't go out of his way to brag about it.

* If you do happen to be on the more affectionate side, however, he doesn't mind staying at home a bit longer than usual so you two can shower each other in love and affection.

* Overall, definitely not the worst yandere to have.

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