T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Katsuki was snuggled happily on the couch with Kaminari draped over him. An All Might blanket covered the both of them. Katsuki's blonde 'friend' was fast asleep despite it being so early in the evening. He was on his phone looking through various articles for possible date ideas. He wanted to be serious about Kaminari. He didn't want a half-assed relationship. He had to show the electric blonde that he was worth it. That this was worth it. He smiled as Kaminari sighed in his sleep.

"Touya would've liked you" He said as he brushed a hand through his hair. Katsuki placed his phone on the table and carefully got into a good position to sleep in.

"I miss him" He whispered as his eyes closed.


Purote winced as he hit the corner of the table. He held his side where red, warm liquid was staining his hand.

"You fucking mistake! How dare you try and mess up my kitchen! I have friends coming over! And you dare try and mess up my spotless kitchen?" He stumbled away from the table, nearly falling over a chair as he backed away, eyes on nothing but her feet. She swung with the blade she held and he ran for the door. He barely had time to stop and grab his shoes before his mother threw the knife with deadly force. She missed, but he was out the door in seconds. He ran for the alleyway he always met Touya in, pausing to slip on his shoes and tie his shirt into a knot so that his wound had more pressure on it. It wasn't bleeding a whole lot, she's barely nicked him, it wasn't that bad. He slowed to a jog when he was close.  He entered the alleyway and felt warm fuzzies when he saw his favorite man.

"Touya!" Purote called with a wide smile. The redhead waved back to him, opening his arms for Purote to fall into. He loved Touya's hugs.

"I got a ninety-five on my history test" He told the older teen.

"That's great! Let's go for a walk" He nodded, cheeks red as his lips pulled his smile wider.

"You're gonna always be here, right?" He asked, expecting a 'of course'.

"Uhm... About that..." He blinked at the teen. "I'd love to always be here, but I can't do this forever"

"But... But you can be here for a little bit, right?" Purote bit his cheek

"Of course. I'll be here as long as I can" Purote nodded, bringing his hand to skip into the redhead's hand his small hand fit easily.

"Touya, I love you" He murmured, swinging their hands as the walked. He always met the mm older kid in the alleyways and they walked to block 16.

"I  love you too, kid. I'm proud of you. You're gonna be a great hero"

"Really?" He asked, "Mom says I won't get the hero license..."

"She's just jealous that you're gonna do so well"


"Yeah kid. Now, lemme look at you" Purote stopped walking and let the man kneel down to lift his shirt. The redhead whistled lowly. "Well it'll need stitches, that's for sure, but for now, we can just apply pressure and heat"

"Okay, I've been pressing"

"Good, you're smart. You know that? " Purote beamed as his hair was ruffled.

"If I become a hero, you can be my doctor" He replied, wiping his hand on his dark pants.

"When you become a hero" The man corrected. "Maybe. I don't really wanna to to school for that long..." Purote laughed.

"Me neither" They were about at Mrs. and Mr. Kayama's house so Touya took him up to their door. And knocked. Mr. Kayama's opened it.

"How are you two-? Where's the blood from?"

"Just a little cut" Purote smiled.

"He needs a few stitches" Touya added helpfully.

"I see. Well let's get that fixed up"

"You guys wouldn't happen happened have any sweets would you?" Touya asked waltzing in. They'd both been there so many times that it was natural.

"We did... But my beautiful, gorgeous, very living wife hid them" Purote heard Mrs. Kayama laugh from as she walked in.

"You're gonna get fat. Hi honey, how're you feeling? I can see you're getting fixed up. Do you want anything special? Anything you want at all"

"Somethin' spicy please" He murmured, making her laugh.

"I can make curry. Touya, I can get you something, just a second." She disappeared and returned with a package of purin pudding. She handed it to the redhead who grinned at Mr. Kayama. The man groaned. Purote laughed.

"Honey, do you want a drink while I make this?" He nodded and she handed him a colourful bottle of peach flavored soda.

Word count: 810

((It was 799 words so I added a few more hehe))

((Spelling and Grammar fixed))

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