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Hyung - Chanyeol ya? I... umm... how's everything? Have you been eating well?

C - how are you?

Hyung - I'm ... good...

C - how long are you going to stay away from home? You have this one little duty to look after this little brother

Hyung - I wonder who kicked me out huh...

C - I wanna eat your beef bulgogi and stew

Hyung - I will be ready for tomorrow dinner ... you staying at home today?

C - no.. at Baekhyun's place

Hyung - I see...

C - Hyung....

Hyung - yes?

C - I'm sorry...

Hyung - I can't wait to cook for my little bro .. see you

C - see you...

I hung up the call....

Let's not have very close minded chanyeol ya...
They are the few of those people who is beside me...
I can't lose them...

"Done?" Baekhyun comes into the room

"Yes.. done.. Baekhyun.."


"What university do you think I could get in?"

"Wanna try for M University like me? We will study together"



Next day,

"Are you excited to meet our Ssaem?" I ask him
<A.N: Teacher in Korean is Seonsaengnim and short form is Ssaem. So the homeroom teacher, which Baekhyun has a crush on will be called Ssaem in this fic>

"You! Park chanyeol.. if you act uselessly stupid in front of Ssaem... I will never talking you again"

"Aiii.. okay okay... I won't.. don't worry.. I just want to know"

"It's not like I'm excited... but still.. I always look forward to school days"

"What kind of psychopaths look forward to school days... ewhhh"

"Shut up and let's go" he says as he walks into school ahead of me

"Ya! Let's go together"
The first period of a day has started.
I think I'm unlucky for 2 years straight because our homeroom teacher is Mathematics specialist so.. every morning.. starts with this shitty subject..

Ah... my head is about to explode ....
I miss my bed...

"Raise your hand if you are going to take my special class after school" Ssaem says

I look around the class and only a few of those nerds raise hands and .....

Byun Baekhyun..... of course!!!!! He's raising his hand....

This is so crazy!!!! Hahahahaaaaaa
Aigooo... this kid... he's so master in math that he doesn't need any of those special class yet.. he's taking huh....

"Hmm... Baekhyun? Are you going to take my special class?" Ssaem asks

Baekhyun is sitting right in front of me and ... I can see his ears gotten redder just by looking from the back...

Is his face flashing red too??
Ohhoooo... this is what happen when you are in love huh....

"Nae Ssaem."

"It's honoured to be Ssaem of students like Baekhyun ... M University is waiting for you, Baekhyun.." Ssaem says

Aigooo... he must be having butterflies in stomach now.. right? That's what I see on TV dramas.

I look out of the window... and haa~~ will I be able to feel like this one day?
Lunch time,

"That will never happen" baekhyun says

"Ehhhhhhh why??? Do you think I will never be able to fall in love?" Because I asked him if I will be able to feel butterfly in stomach one day -_-

"Not with that grumpy and thug face"

"Look at me carefully baekhyun... I'm the most handsome friend of yours"

"Starting to lose my appetite"

"*tsk* too mean.. and why do you take Maths special class... because of Ssaem?"

"Partially... actually I'm going to take special class of most subjects"

"Eh... boring.."

"Aren't you going to?"

"Nah... I'm fine.. you will tutor me when exam is near anyway"

"And park chanyeol... start thinking for the university you wanna apply.." Baekhyun says

"Too early... we just started our new school year"

"Only if you set goal, you can achieve it"

"Byun Baekhyun... you are staring to sound so much like my Hyung and Teachers"

"Good then"

"So, you are not going to walk back home with me today huh... somebody has a special math class this evening"


"Well.. have fun then..."

"How about you? Your Hyung is coming back today right?"

"Yes. He's ..."

And Baekhyun smiles ... "ya! What's with that creepy disgusting smile"

"Make up nicely with him and apologise too."

"I get it" I say "you don't need to remind me" I mumble


After school, I go back home alone since Baekhyun is taking his special's special class ..

And when I arrive back at house, Hyung is already there.. already cooked....

He's the best brother I would ever have and I hurt him...
I really was a narrow-minded ...


"Welcome back.. chanyeol ya... wash your hands and come eat"

"Okay" after washing hands.. we sit done at the dining and...

"Wowww... such a feast huh.... When did you come home?"

"Around noon.. I don't have a lot of work today"

"I see...." And now it's time ... "Hyung.... I'm sorry... no matter how difference our preferences are, I'm in no position to interfere with your life... because I will always respect your choices from now on.. I'm sorry Hyung. I really wanted to apologise properly"

"I know my little brother is so soft inside. And who made you think different ? Did you decide by yourself?"

"Actually...... it was my friend... Baekhyun... he made me see the right things...."

"I see. He's such a mature boy huh... I should pack some food and give to his house"

"Yes. Please do"

"So shall we eat now?"

"Nae Hyung.... And Hyung... can you pack some for baekhyun today? I will go and give him after we eat"


I should thank to him too .. right?


Hello all
This is my update for today.
Hope you all enjoy this so far.
Love you all!!!!

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