Chapter (66)What happened when a Sadhak cut off from sansar?

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(66) What would be the duty of a person who has cut off his relation with Sansar?

        Lord Krishna says that if a person does his own destined karma and finds happiness in his allotted karma, he would find real happiness in life and he would not have to do anything for the satisfaction of his own soul. When a person is related with sansar , he thinks that he would get satisfaction from the entertainment through his senses and enjoyments with his family and relatives as son and wife. He could satisfied his hunger with delicious food and he could be happy ,if he could get all the luxurious things of world but he would never going to be satisfied with all this mortal and perishable things because everything is bound to change. In childhood a child loves mother and toys .In youth he loves adventures and wife

In all age he loves health and security. Just as his choice and likings go on changing all the perishable things and relations too go on changing with the passing of time. The same things and the same relations cannot satisfy a person for the whole life. As the intensive relations becomes weak and interesting things are going to decay as everything is perishable. Hence all the things in this Sansar can give satisfaction only for a time being. They could not give eternal peace of mind or entertainment forever. All worldly things and relations could give constant happiness and enjoyment only in specific situations and specific stages of life and position of mental situations. A delicious dish of food or a melodious music cannot give us joy when we are sick or sad due to some reasons. Hence this attachment to things and feelings of satisfaction is illusive .It is not real. If it was real it was not going to change with the period of time. Physical body and things are not real about the form of soul is real .hence there would be no increase or decrease in the feelings of eternal peace or happiness. Every scarcity and feelings of lacking or missing things creates desires to get it. When a wish is completed the second wish is generated and then the third and the forth wish is going to cover the mind and intellect of a person when one desire is fulfilled it gives satisfaction for a period of time only. But after some time a view desire arises and non-availability of resources to complete that desire creates a person unhappy. When wish is fulfilled, a person is get attached  with that things. Just a wish for a beautiful life partner or a cute child engaged a person to service them whole life and his wishes enslaved him forever.

Every desire is a root of unhappiness but a person who is attached to sansar thinks that he would be satisfied totally if he gets company of beloved or luxuries and riches of life to enjoy. But when a Sadhak cut off his relation with Sansar ,his satisfaction would be in the company of God only. His attachment , his contentment and his satisfaction all the three things rest only in the form of only one substance and that substance is known as Almighty. The goal of human life is to be eligible for the achievement of eternal Brahma. And A Sadhak can use any instrument to reach his ultimate goal of Salvation. He could apply karma yoga ,Gyan yoga or Bhakti yoga.

When a Sadhak cut off his relation with his body and senses and becomes the witness of his karma ,he could abandon the burden of being ‘Karta’ or ‘Doer’ and he could perform his role as destined by his past deeds even though he seems doing work for the family, mother, father, brother, sister, son and friends. He seems doing work whole heartedly with his body and senses, his mind and intellect, his skills and capabilities for the society, country and for the whole world. He would not be attached to his karma or the consequences or fruits of his karma because whatever he does; he does just as Umpire or witness of the game. Just as Umpire does not play for the either side and victory or defeat of any participant does not make him happy or sad. A Sadhak who has cut off his relation with sansar like Raja Janak, the great father of Sitaji, wife of Lord Shri Ram as destined in the great epic Ramayan remains detached from everything.

A Sadhak’s love and care, attention and concentration, satisfaction and contentment would be satisfied with in his own form. He would be free from deeds or no deeds, knowledge or ignorance, achievements or failures, rules or barriers of all kinds and his life and kriyas would be exemplary for others to follow and he would naturally live his life according to the rules of Shastras. A karmayogi does all his karma without expecting anything from anybody and utilize all his resources and luxuries for the welfare of others. He would do his karma whole heartedly with his body and senses, his mind and intellect, his skills and capabilities, keeping apart his own pride and ego and just go on serving everybody. Hence his love and satisfaction, his contentment rest in the form of eternal soul and not in the physical body made of five elements.

Every rituals and every karma of sansar is restricted on the path of karmayoga because nothing would last forever .Hence when a Sadhak could cut off his relation with sansar , he could enjoy eternal and heavenly happiness in doing his destined karma. He does not have to do anything else for his own welfare .when a person does not do anything for himself. Nothing can make him happy or sad. When a Sadhak does all the work for the welfare of others ,he should not follow any special rituals to please God. His own karma itself becomes his worship.when a person does something to get worldly things, he has to perform many kind of tasks but when a Sadhak does everything for the welfare of others ,he need not do anything for his own welfare .His own welfare would be done automatically with the welfare of others.

Now, let’s understand what would happen  when a Sadhak cut off his relations with Sansar? 

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