Chapter (173)How could a karma yogi feel liberation in sansar?

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How could a karma yogi feel liberation in sansar doing his worldly duties?

(Kathopanishad, Dwitiya Adhyay/Pratham valli/3)

Kathopanishad says that by whom a person entertains his senses and enjoys listening words and music, touching desired touch of a person and things, seeing beauty, testing delicious food, smelling favourite odour and sexual pleasure through intercourse ; is the ultimate Brahma.What else remains as remainder on this earth? And this is known as the real substance i.e. Paramatma.A person can understand all the things and recognize all the Padarth of Sansar in both the position of awakening and sleeping; is known as Paramatma.When an intelligent Sadhak knows him, he does not feel sorry for worldly perishable things and fake relations. He does not get upset on meeting and parting of anything or anybody.

When a person is attached to his karma ,his desire to get fruits of karma, his desire to entertain his senses and his desire to enjoy BHOGA , his pride and ego as doer create BONDAGE but when a karma yogi does not desire anything eventhough he seems busy in worldly affairs and engaged in his kartavya karma, no karma would create any bondage for him. His karma becomes Akarma and he becomes Akarta as he does nothing for his selfishness or self entertainment but he does everything for others.

A karma yogi remains detached when he is doing karma but he can remain detached even when he is not doing any karma because he does not do anything for his selfish interest or does not avoid doing anything for his satisfaction.A Sankhya yogi thinks himself  united with eternity and feels unification with Almighty through his knowledge and thinking that ' he is a part of Brahma' and he is not a perishable body, senses, mind and intellect but a karma yogi does not think anything as his own. His body and senses, mind and intellect, his prosperity and power, his skill and strength as his own but he thinks that God has given all those things and sources to him to serve others. When he considers everything for others, does all kriya for the welfare of Sansar and when he could give happiness to others, comorts to the distressed, relief to the needy ; he would never think as 'I have done this' as he thinks everything is given to him to serve others by God. Hence eventhough he does karma, he remains Akarta and his karma , his success and his failures, his pain and his gain would not bind or disturb him in any ways. A karma yogi sees God in every livings and non livings. He feels unification with the universe and he remains detached to sansar.

( Vivek Chudamani /233)

The supreme authority of Atharva Shruti ; Mundakopanishad says that ' This world is Brahma.' This world is a part of Brahma hence it could not be separated from Brahma as nothing can be separated from the origin form where it emerges. Lord Shri Krishna says that 'I am not with in any livings and nothing lives within me', It means that sansar or the world is not real. If it could be a real or truth , it could damage the eternity and its existence forever.If sansar is proved as truth, our soul could be damaged by nature. Whatever is said in Shruti proved wrong and baseless, even sayings of God and Shastras proved untruth but the sansar is fake and depends on nature.

A Sankhya yogi thinks his body and Paramatma as separated. He thinks that all the kriyas of body depends on nature PRAKRUTI but he is a soul BRAHMA; a part of eternity and hence no kriyas has any relation with him .A Sankhya yogi thinks that all the senses do their kriyas as they have to depend upon nature. His body and organs involve in kriya and they are separated from him as he is not a body, not an organ ,not a mind or intellect but he is a part of Brahma.When we see a Sankhya yogi doing his worldly kriyas as seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating , walking , taking anything or speaking or passing his urine or excrement, sleeping, breathing opening and closing of eyes, he is not getting involved in anything.He thinks that my body and senses , my organs are doing activities but I am not involved in any activity. He sees his body and soul as separated form. He never sees himself doing any kriya hence he does not feel pride of doing any activity. He is TATVAVIT . He remains alert about not getting involved in any activity of body and organs, senses and mind hence he does not feel pride as doer.A Sankhya yogi never feels unification with the function and activities of nature through his body and senses, his mind and intellect or his Pran. Hence he is not getting involved in any kriya.

Actually speaking we are not doer or karta of any activity , it is a function of PRAKRUTI not of PRAN but as we have forgotten our original swaroop ,form ,we think ourselves as doers and nurture  pride of being karta and ego of doing karma but Paramatma who lives within us and whom we know as PRAN inspires our body and senses, organs and activity through our mind and intellect and all of them gets involved in different activities as it is said in VIVEK CHUDAMANI by Aadi Shankaracharyji as :



Just as a magnet makes movements in the piece of iron, the presence of Pran in our body makes our organs and senses do various activities and our mind and intellect too are inspired by Pran, a part of Paramatma.When Pran abandons our body ,no organ can do any activity, no mind can think and no intellect can create ideas. Moreover all the system in the universe, in our body as respiratory and digestive system and so on work on the law of nature and inspired by nature only. A Sankhya yogi thinks that he is not a part of nature ,he is a part of Brahma. Hence he remains detached to all the activities of body and senses, mind and intellect.

The question here is : 

When our original form does not do any kriya and he is not a doer , then who does all kriyas in Sansar?

Let's understand from our great God and Guru Shri Krishna...

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