Chapter(107)Why does Lord say Arjun to follow tradition ?

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Why does Lord tell Arjun to follow tradition and karm yoga of Gruhastha Dharma ?

Lord Shri Krishna explains Arjun that Gruhasthashram is the best Ashram of all the four Ashram even when Sanyasi feels hunger; he came to the house of Gruhastha to fetch Bhiksha to satisfy his hunger. Hence it is better to live in Gruhasthashram and follow Karma Yoga.





Lord Shri Krishna explains Arjun that if you remain attached to worldly perishable things and fake mortal relations and would leave Sansar and stay in forest to do Tap, it would be useless. To control all your five senses and to live in sansar is the great tap for the Gruhastha.A person who does not involve in any bad sinful activities and remains free from all the attachment feels the same in home as in forest. For a Karma yogi Sadhak there is no difference wherever he lives in the home or in the jungle. The Sun, moon and the kings of Ishwanku dynasty are great example for all karma yogis to follow because when we do not have any knowledge of Shastras and Purans, We have to follow the great persons as 'Role Models' followed karma yoga and it becomes traditions to follow for the successors. Kings who have followed karma yoga learnt special skills follow and acquired the knowledge of karma yoga hence all the families, societies, heads of villages got the knowledge and followed the karma yoga.

The great poet Kalidas told the kings of Surya dunasty :



(Raghuvansham 1/18)

        The Kings of Raghuvansham fetch taxes from the people for the welfare of them just as the Sun fetch water from the earth and showers it on the earth more than hundred times. The kings do not use any money for their personal expenses. They have their own fields and they make money through farming and agricultural product for their own livings. As the kings follow karma yoga honestly they have power of knowledge and devotion to their karma naturally. Hence the great Rishis too visit them for the knowledge of karma yoga. Shukadevji ,the son of Ved Vyasji went to king Janak for the acquisition of knowledge and it is well known to all. In Chhandogya Upanishad it is mentioned that six Rishis went to king Ashwapati to learn Brahma Vidhya,the knowledge of Universe .Here Lord Shri Krishna wants to say Arjun that it is the tradition of your dynasty and hence it would not be difficult for you to accept it.

There are three ways, paths or instruments to get salvation or to surrender to God. They are karma yoga, Gyan Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. As they are shown to us by God himself, they are always accessible there would be no scarcity of resources or instruments. We are attached to Sansar and under the illusion ,we cannot see the right path or utilize the proper instrument but they are existing permenantly.God has told karma yoga to Sun and then to the kings of Ishwanku Dynasty had learnt it but with the passing of time this tradition of following karma yoga is forgotten by people as if it is hidden in the past or under the illusion of selfish motives. When people becomes selfish and they were not following karma yoga seems that as if karma yoga is destroyed but it could not be destroyed as it is created by God. IF anyone wants to follow Gyan yoga or Bhakti Yoga ,he has to follow the basics of karma yoga first of all and that is the rule that a Sadhak should do every karma selflessly  for the welfare of others only. A person who follows Gyan Yoga tries to free himself from the bondage of karma by the knowledge that everything is created by God and nothing is mine and I am given human birth to serve others on this planet. He could easily cut off his relations with his karma and remain detached from the fruits of his karma. While Sadhak who follows Bhakti Yoga thinks that whatever I do from morning to night or in sleep, whenever and wherever is for the service of my God. Hence he surrenders himself totally to Lord and offer all his karma to Almighty.


 and he could remain free from the bondage of fruits of his karma and cut off his relations. Hence it is proved that all persons whether they are following Bhakti yoga or Gyan Yoga they have to accept the principles of Karma yoga.

        In real sense karma yoga is not demoralized as everybody has to do karma nobody can live without doing any karma only the yogis demoralized. Just as we do karma to get all worldly things and try to fulfill our desires we have to do karma to get salvation and to get united with Almighty. Every Sadhak thinks that if we does karma to acquire Almighty he has to do karma but he forgets that Almighty is available to him 24*7*366 days and he does not have to acquire him ,he is within him. To do karma it is essential for sansar and to do yoga    is necessary for salvation. We do not have to do any karma for yoga. Yoga is always attainable. When we do pure karma for others welfare, we could attain 'YOGA' naturally. We do not have to serve others and fulfill our duties according to our destined karma and play our roles. When we do karma for our self, the speed of doing karma increases but when we do karma for others the interest of doing karma ends. When  we do karma for others we become free from the bondage of karma but when we do karma for our self we are in the cycle of karma. When our yoga starts our karma ends. When a person does karma for his own happiness, accumulation of wealth andluxurious things he becomes selfish ,he could not think about serving others but when he starts serving others with his body and senses ,mind and intellect and forgets about his pride and ego in serving all livings, animals, birds ,creatures ,forefathers ,Rishis, saints guests and God .He could have his control over them but a person forgets his traditions and becomes selfish and indulges in serving his own senses and he moves in the cycle of birth and death. This is known as HIDING OF KARMA YOGA.

Then let's understand the mystery of Karma yoga from our Lord Shri Krishna...

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