Chapter (192)How could a Sadhak become steady in Brahma naturally?

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How could a Sadhak become steady in Brahma naturally?

Manu Smruti says as :


A Sadhak or a sanyasi does not show anger to any furious man in reaction, he does not abuse anybody by his speech. He would not do calumny but talk nicely to the person who abuses him. He would control all the five senses, mind and intellect and never speaks a lie but speak always the truth. He remains involved in meditation and Brahma. He would be steady in yogasan. He would remain detached to sansar and do not desire anything. He would try to seek self realization and salvation in his present life and he would live in sansar but he would live as lotus. A Sadhak would check his every step before he goes forward. He would drink filtered water, he would speak pure and truthful words only and he would act on anything after purifying it by mind and intellect as it is said in our Subhashitani below:


Who remains detached to his body and senses , mind and intellect along with Pran and whose desire to entertain his senses by touching desired person , listening words to entertain ears, smelling desired fragrance , testing delicious food and seeing the expected the loving is totally demolished as he becomes detached to everything in outer world and hence he would enjoy inner ecstasy in the company of Paramatma. He remains connected with Almighty 24*7*366 days and nights for each and every moments and hence his joy and happiness in the company of imperishable Paramatma becomes inexhaustible and indestructible but a Sadhak who has just realizes that he should be free from illusion of sansar and just decided to go for search of eternity, is also considered as pure hearted. A Sadhak who does not become happy on getting desirables and unhappy on missing or losing the desirables is considered as 'detached from outer touch' BAHYASPARSHA .Every perishable thing of the world is considered as BAYASPARSHA .The things may he related with us from outside or from inside. Unless we are attached to this 'outer touch' of things we could not experience self realization. This 'outer touch' of things go on changing all the time but we are attached with them so closely that we cannot see any change in them but feel happiness in entertaining our senses but obviously these outer things are perishable and we considered them as permanent and imperishable and get involved in entertaining our senses hence when we are departed from these desired things or persons we fuel unhappiness and regret. Actually speaking happiness does not lie in any object but when we remain detached from these things and persons we feel peace of mind and it is a real condition of our mind and hence we feel happiness during sleep.

It's a wrong notion that things can entertainment our senses or any person or any livings can make permanent relation with us to entertainment our feelings of heart. We think that some objects and some people can give us happiness but actually speaking we become happy and peaceful, we feel freshness and freedom from anxiety, power and strength, forget our diseases and feel healthy during sleep. This feeling cannot be experience when we are awaken, We cannot feel this happiness in the company of persons or things when we are awakened. Hence after every BHOG through our senses , after every entertainment we want to be departed from that thing and person. We feel necessity of giving rest to our senses and want to turn back to that thing and person. We feel necessity of SLEEP , it means that our senses enjoy true entertainment when they are departed from things and persons during sleep not when they are entertained by those things and persons.

When we sleep, we remain detached to sansar and all the outer objects and relations and when we surrender to sleep, we think that I would do this work and complete that task after taking rest. It means that these two things i.e. detachment to things and persons and desire to do task after rest are contrary. Detachment to things and persons remain the same always but the desire to complete task goes on changing all the time and because of this desire of doing or completing task does not allow detachment to things and persons totally. Hence the fact is that when we sleep , there would be no relations or things remain with us to entertain our senses at that time but the attachment remains there steadily because when our subconscious mind accepts something or somebody as 'our own' , we could not remain detached to them. The truth is that we have to free our self from this relation created by our sub conscious mind with sansar i. e. things and persons because actually we have no permanent relation with them. We have permanent relation with Paramatma only. When we believe in untruth and unreal things, our mind cannot accept the truth and reality. If we can be free from our belief of relation with sansar , we could maintain relation with Paramatma. A Sadhak who sees truth of eternity can see every obstacle on the path of salvations a stepping stone.


A Sadhak who speaks only truth find fire in the form of water .He would see ocean as land to live. He would find friend in enemy. Gods as his servants, jungles as cities, mountains as his home, serpent as a garland of beautiful flowers, lion as deer, artesian well as a little hole, weapon as lotus , lion as fox , poison as nectar and every complexity of sansar as simple things that can be handled easily because the truth is that our relation to outer things and persons is unreal and untruth. Our relation with Paramatma is the only eternal truth. When we create our relation with outer world, we become happy when we get it and we feel happiness and become unhappy on losing it. This happiness is RAJAS by nature but when we can remain detached from this outer touch, we can feel 'inner touch' of Paramatma i.e., SATVIK happiness and this position becomes permanent and steady just as when we lit a lamp, darkness abandons that place but we think that the action of lightening a lamp is done first and brightening light fill that place afterward in the same way 'destruction of attachment is done first and becoming steady in BRAHMA is considered as follow up action though both of them occur simultaneously. We consider BAHYASPARSHEESHUSAKTAMAM first and BRAHMAYOGAYUKTAM as the second action. When a Sadhak remains detached from sansar, the minuets feelings as " I am a knowledgeable person, I am detached from sansar, I do not have to do any kartavya karma " in the form of pride stays in the mind. To avoid this pride and ego, we have to feel unification with Paramatma and unless we feel unification with Paramatma 24*7*366 days and nights, we could not remain free from our personality , pride and ego.

Then how could we feel happiness in the company of PARAMATMA?

Let's understand from our great God and Guru , Lord Shri KRISHNA...

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