Chapter (143 )HOW do different people do BRAHMA YAGNA?

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(143 )

HOW do different people do BRAHMA YAGNA?



Aadi Shankaracharjji says a true scholar who becomes free from all the hurries and worries of Sansar never afraid of anybody. A Sadhak desires only Salvation ,longs only for the knowledge of true substance of soul as he knows very well that there is no way out from the cycle of birth and death except Brahma Gyan and Brahma yagna. The only knowledge of oneness of Atma and Paramatma can free our self from the cycle of birth and death hence the true knowledgeable people becomes Brahma and enjoy the ecstasy of Anand Swaroop Brahma. Mundakopanishad says that IDAM VISHWAM BRAHMA AEV . This Sansar itself is Brahma. The Sansar is created by Brahma hence it cannot be separated from the Brahma. If the world or Sansar is considered as real or full of truth, we should feel it in our sleep and dream also but we do not feel Sansar or any feeling during our sleep (Sleep is considered as half death) and hence the Sansar is considered as untruth and unreal as dream and fake relations. The Sansar is perishable Paramatma is immortal hence we find both as separated but when Sansar is the creation of Paramatma, how could it be indifferent to Brahma, Paramatma?

Actually speaking Brahma is unavoidable, out of control for anybody, Brahma cannot be thought or imagined by mind and described by the speech, it cannot be understood by our intellect and it is everlasting, omnipresent, without any boundary i.e. limitless, timeless and full of bright light as thousands of Sun.

According to the role the same person is considered as a son, a father, a businessman, a citizen, a husband, a father, a friend and a scholar. It means that when the role changes the same person act differently but the real person remains the one and same as a single person.





''Now give me the order'' as it is said by Shruti in BRUHADARANYAKOPANISHAD (2-4-3) . We think that ATMA and PARAMATMA are two in the form. Though created by Paramatma , soul is enveloped by the PANCH kosh and nature and hence we think both as dual in their form and forgets the oneness. Paramatma is omnipresent as sky over our head and Jivatma should know his real form as a part of Paramatma as "I am BRAHMA " AHAM BRAHMASMI .Sansar is like a dream as we see different persons, places, periods and enjoy or suffer from joy and sorrow in our dream. Jivatma enjoys and suffers in sansar as a dream but when his consciousness awakens him and he remembers his original Swaroop as Brahma. He accepts that his birth, growth, diseases in his body obstacles on the way and death in the end with changes in physical, social, financial situations frequently is illusion. There are six unavoidable stages for every livings but Atma is free from all the VIKAR as birth, growth,




Our soul that is the part of omnipresent, omniscient Almighty and free from birth , growth, death or change; TATVAMASI' .You are that Brahma . A Sadhak accepts this truth and hence he sees God everywhere in everything and everybody. All his karma becomes Akarma as he does karma selflessly. He thinks that whatever he does, he does it for the welfare of others .Hence his karma becomes DEVYAGNA. God is the great father of all the Avatari Swaroop hence a Sadhak has to offer everything to 'Dev'. When a Sadhak abandons every attachment and desires nothing from his karma, his karma turns to the service for others and service to others is the service to God. Hence it is said that Yogi does only DEV Yagna. They consciously remain detached from Sansar and do meditation, feel oneness with Brahma. It means that Yogi does DEV YAGNA and feels oneness with God 24*7*366 days and night every moment.

Our body and senses is our instrument to provide entertainment to our senses through taste, touch, hearing and seeing .Brahma Yogi thinks about Brahma and accepts that everything is Brahma. They consider their body and senses and all perishable things that can give entertainment to their senses as Brahma hence they feel no joy or sorrow, no pain or gain in any circumstances or situations. In the same way there are different types of Yogi who controls their senses as listening and do HAWAN of words that can entertain their listening through ears. It means that they live in solitude and control their five senses listening, touching, seeing, tasting and smelling through their ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose and keep away from all the fascinating melodious music and words, thrilling and exciting touch, mouth watering tastes and maddening smells and control them strictly. When a Sadhak can control his senses, his mind and intellect, his pride and ego could be demolished totally.

Our five senses are the cause of our attachment and they are the instruments that drive us away from Paramatma and we are enveloped under their illusion and in the bog of Sansar. If we can do HAWAN of all the senses and control them, we could remain free from all the diseases that emerged from the enjoyment and entertainment of our senses. If we can control our senses, we would be free from jealousy and envy, attachment and attractions and we could be steady in our meditation.

When we can concentrate our body and utilize our senses in the service of others and when we can control our five senses, we can concentrate on Jap and meditation. As our senses are under our control, we can be free from attachment to things and relations and when we become expert in controlling our senses, we can have control over our mind and intellect too and we can be free from the illusion and delusion of Sansar.

A Sadhak when controls his senses, he could remain steady STHITPRAGNA in solitude and he could be steady in sansar too. As king Janak and YOGESHWAR Shri Krishna show us the best exemplary role of Sansari Sadhu. Our organs do kriyas and our Pran too does kriya. How could Yogi control all his senses and Pran?

Let's understand from our Lord Shri Krishna...

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